I feel like there's arguing about wrestling and fandom, which no matter what, you know your rival is just that, a sports rival and it shouldn't impact one's perspective on who that individual is because they went to a different school.
Then there's arguing about politics, which when it gets deep into it, people seethe and hate like no other. There's levels to it - like Oklahoma/Texas or Auburn/Alabama for example, but only on a very rare exception have I been embroiled in a debate with a wrestling fan on a wrestling topic and thought to myself "that person is a complete piece of whatever."
It's like the window for pleasant discourse and civility is so tiny, it's only a matter of one or two back and forths before it devolves into a muckraking attack on each other's character. That's what I don't like about it. I've disagreed with many a fellow fan over the years on wrestling topics, but the vitriol with some of these political discussions is unlike anything I've ever seen in your average wrestling topic. It gets way nasty, way quickly.
There's a difference on the severity of barbs like "I wear my Auburn shirt because I went to Auburn, you wear your Alabama shirt because you went to Wal-Mart" compared to statements like "You want your children to get brainwashed by transgender illegal immigrant Satan worshipers."
There's posters here I like generally for their wrestling input, many of whom I've met personally. When I see them go at each other's throats over something like this just kinda bothers me I guess. Just an opinion. I'd like to think we can act better than what these things often turn into.
But again, I do now have a better understanding of why people will jump in here and rant and rave.