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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. That didn't take long.
  2. Lenny Zalesky was the head coach at UC Davis when they got dropped. Also ODU dropping had nothing to do with Martin.
  3. Guys who Welch on bets. Can't stand them. No matter who they wrestle for.
  4. Did he? Who am I thinking of who coached in college but didn't wrestle in college. I could have sworn it was Borelli but I'm sure you would know.
  5. Too bad Gennady Tulbea retired or we would have Monaco represented. Battle of the small countries!
  6. Tom Borelli at Central Michigan. I don't think he wrestled in college. Monaco would be a great way to recruit NJ. Everybody knows him and his brothers. Edge was the first of it's kind anywhere and he has helped produce a ton of very good wrestlers. Another name nobody brought up yet is Jeff Buxton.
  7. Maybe an outside the box suggestion but what about Ernie Monaco?
  8. Jimmy is too busy dodging his creditors and bookies to watch film.
  9. It's also because he sucked as a coach at UofEh.
  10. Has anyone checked the stabbin' cabin?
  11. https://apnews.com/article/abuse-safesport-olympics-reform-8df17e9322e51c9c24dbe6c809a6fe8d
  12. Colon surgery is very difficult. A plastic surgeon I knew had asked me about my grandfather who was also a surgeon. I didn't know anything about it but I told him my grandfather's specialty was colon and rectal surgery. My plastic surgeon friend said he could perform his surgery in the dark blindfolded, but doing colon and rectal surgery was extremely delicate and difficult to do. So many things are connected that being off by a millimeter or less could have really severe consequences. Like somebody could die or end up needing a colostomy bag forever.
  13. Maybe Bakersfield drops to D2?
  14. Maybe they should try poaching Jason Welch.
  15. In a few years almost half the lineup might be Larkin.
  16. Hold my beer. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12331827/amp/Kentucky-sorority-girl-Rayanna-Brock-mugshots.html
  17. I have never seen anyone else whose major claim to fame was being on one Olympic team get as much mileage out of not winning a medal as him.
  18. Let's see how long this lasts. 50/50 he stays until next season.
  19. Randy Lewis made the final best of 3 against Lee Roy Smith. Randy won the first match, lost the second and got injured and defaulted the 3rd. Lewis protested the scoring in the 2nd match. It ended up going to binding arbitration where Dan Gable who was the 84 Olympic coach got subpoenaed to testify. Binding arbitration ruled in Lewis's favor and part of the 2nd match was re-wrestled and Lewis won and went on to win the gold medal in the Olympics. Lee Roy, John, etc. have basically held a grudge against Gable because they felt he showed favoritism towards Lewis.
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