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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. There was a local high school coach, since retired, who had his sons wrestle for him. Each year he would get his team deducted a few points for yelling at refs or doing something else. Because of that he missed one of his sons winning a state championship as a senior since he had been ejected from the building.
  2. I never broke any rules and I figured that I wasn't doing enough to make myself above the law.
  3. JC is above the law here. I got banned for over a month for ridiculing him. The thing is, he doesn't post anything seriously. He just posts things just to do it. So I don't reply to him seriously and post random essays or other nonsense by quoting him just to hopefully waste his time by forcing him to acknowledge it in some small way. The mods here don't like me doing that and ridiculing him. My guess is the person who runs this place calls his wife "Sir" when she takes him from behind.
  4. Getting punched in the face like that can do it.
  5. I thought he did something else embarrassing.
  6. Ambition is like a frog sitting on a Venus Flytrap. The flytrap can bite and bite, but it won't bother the frog because it only has little tiny plant teeth. But some other stuff could happen and it could be like ambition.
  7. Besides being a brutal competitor he never did much to make people hate him. He has always had a sense of humor, so he isn't truly an awful person. Maybe if you didn't like Iowa back then or now you might not like him. But he wasn't a dirty competitor or anything.
  8. What's so bad about him? He gets fired up and yells a lot. He isn't big on talking to people either. I can definitely see how people might not like him or think he isn't sociable. But he isn't a bad person who has done shitty things to people out of spite as far as I know. Also I'd like to nominate Rollie Peterkin for being a dick by talking smack about Anthony Robles different abledness. I would also suggest Ryan Lang from Northwestern but his life kind of went to hell so piling on him would make me feel bad. Leonce Crump for basically just giving up at NCAAs one year and letting Lowney pin him. Then blaming Spates for some reason and quitting the team. Can't believe nobody mentioned him but the proud product of West Mifflin James Fleming of Clarion U who basically had just one move and rode it to a few AA finishes. So hated that Spates ran out on the mat to stop him during a match and basically everybody said he was a dirty wrestler. The NCAA changed rules because of him. Can't leave him out.
  9. A kid in my 3rd grade class got in trouble for something, and the teacher told him to go to the principals office. Just before he went he yelled "I wish you were dead!" at our teacher, who was an old lady. It was kind of shocking to hear but also kind of funny.
  10. Also what replaced DDT was a lot more toxic and killed more farm workers than DDT ever did because most of them weren't used to handling really toxic chemicals.
  11. They used to have 3 or 4 of them. Now they are down to 1. Kinda sad actually. You'd think USA Wrestling would want more people participating.
  12. And now Lindenwood is no more. At least after this season anyway.
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134813716203?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=biP2NqpARS2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mIKqws9CRJu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Found this on Ebay. Seems like a great deal.
  14. I was more referring to the outlandish price tag. I have other signed merchandise from other Olympic gold medalists that didn't cost me 1/10 of what he is asking.
  15. Still recovering from carrying his wife across the threshold.
  16. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?sid=markschultzy&_pgn=1&isRefine=true&_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l49496 Anyone got 5k just laying around?
  17. Well Gable almost ran for governor once.
  18. They should just go to a 24 wrestler bracket.
  19. Yas is out for the year with an injury.
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