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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Harder to do. Gap years are a thing. If a kid / family wants to delay the start of their career, making money, etc … so that the dad can feel better about the kid’s college wrestling accolades, not much to be done. But the school and staff should not sanction it and even promote it. It’s all about twisting sport into something more important than it should be for a school.
  2. Cornell commit Shapiro dominated through the Clarion open - 3 techs, MD and a fall in the final. Nice confidence builder. Sam Latona (VT) lays an egg to start the season.
  3. The concept is stupid. Go to college, earn your degree - then play sports while there. Not good enough to start - oh well. Next year. Get hurt, that sucks. Move your life along. Eliminate redshirts. Do we redshirt Tuba players? Do we redshirt chemical engineers? Do we redshirt actresses? Do we redshirt pre-Med majors? Do we redshirt aspiring diplomats?
  4. Seems like Mizzou and Minny have a reputation in my mind for flaming out at Nationals. Perhaps not every year but it seems to happen to them more than others. The impression that I have ….
  5. Well, maybe next time. Glad to see Carr win. Wonder how much was Carr being better individually vs Wisconsin as a whole looking like like they aren’t ready.
  6. You are very hard to understand. Hyper defensive it seems. Your inability to read the thread title or other posts on the thread is not on me. Thanks for the eventual answer though. I think I’m in that ball park too.
  7. I’d say yes - not good. Latona seems to have lost something.
  8. Looks like you didn’t read the original post in the thread. What odds would you need to bet against him winning an NCAA championship?
  9. Huh? I could pretend to be right? Lost me. I think I asked a simple question. And it is out of curiosity. It is also the point of the thread. What odds would you need to bet against him?
  10. Yea, I get it. How certain are you? What odds would you need to bet against him?
  11. I think folks have gotten the message. Treatment has improved. But still, can be better. 99.5% of people are fine. Small minority need lessons in being constructive members of society. Sadly, I noticed it can get even worse with kids in grade school. Some parents were the worst form of humanity - even toward their own kids. Ugly. Rare. But still sad to see. That isn’t the main story. Overall people are appreciative and there is goodness. If you wilt easily — might be tough. But don’t need much of a backbone to do fine.
  12. I had in my head that he was going to likely AA his first year. Not sure why. Clearly was wrong. Was he injured last year? Others surprised he didn’t do better?
  13. Nickerson vs Long - Nickerson coming back from injury - puts a smack down on Long Burroughs vs Leen - loved Leen’s fire and effort. Burroughs - wow. Dake vs Taylor - all star and finals. Finals - Dake was so damn technical, smooth, and strong. Out smoothed and out technicaled a guy who I am still in awe of. Garrett vs Delgado - Delgado’s defense, dive roll - arghhh!! Snyder vs Gwiz - Epic!!! Nickal vs Martin (second finals) - Bo to his back!! Correcton!! Martin to HIS back!! Nickal vs Dean - great match. Sad finish.
  14. Refs are needed. Many folks on this board seem to know a lot. They love the sport. They can contribute in a big way. Throw your hat in … be a ref. Sport needs you. The kids need you. Pay is not incredible but hey, you are getting paid. Will help you appreciate the sport even more.
  15. I think there is a real and significant chance that his injury / surgery recovery will really hamper him. Sucks. Big time. I hope not. If no injury at this time, I probably need to win $1000 to bet $100. But it is there …. Thus my question.
  16. Nice write up @nhs67 - I’m going with Foca from Cornell.
  17. Do you mean hat in the ring as a US rep or a rep for another country? If so, good q. I’m guessing US. He wants to be the very best … not simply check a box that he wrestled at worlds. Hmmm… Olympics though. Perhaps he tries US 2023 … if no go, uses club to figure out an international home based on 3rd cousin relation (haha).
  18. Guy has major injury repair going on. Field is not chopped liver. For a hundred dollar bet, how much would you need to win to take the field vs Spencer Lee? Lee not wrestling or injury defaults, or straight up loses , would mean that you win. I’m thinking about $400. But not sure. Curious on other’s thoughts.
  19. It says ‘see also’ figure 13-1 … didn’t see it. For others to be aware - the details being referred to are in the paragraph’s below.
  20. Ok. Very confused.
  21. @Idaho- not sure how to interpret that. So Wisconsin is actually in favor of his stance? What’s his beef then? And what was the information UW didn’t give precisely. I’m on phone on train - sorry if I missed something.
  22. I don’t want to imply Smith did wrong. I see this as a very tough situation. Would one of us lock down a national champ? Don’t think so. But perhaps there is a smart way. Regular discussions? Some help from rest of school? Expectation setting? Advice on things to watch out for? Tough one. Want to protect the team and brand, and the wrestler …. While also not wanting to squelch some individuality. Still, at some point — do the warning signs build up … and require intervention. No idea if those signs were clear / present with Ford Focus before all went to hell.
  23. Dozens! At least 24!
  24. http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Transfer/OneTime_Transfer.pdf I took 30 seconds to find this link above. Was this kind of document not there in the past? Maybe. I don’t know. But I would bet that the effort to find and read the rules would have taken no more than 1 hour. No one can tell me that a student athlete doesn’t have 10 hours to spare over the course of a month to understand the rules related to such a big decision. Let’s not baby these guys. And the point about keyboard warriors not knowing about the window — so what? Are any of us actively considering entering the portal?
  25. Perhaps. I propose that a wrestler like RBY is pretty active on social media. Has a personality. But does things differently from Ford Focus. There are likely other examples. This is hindsight but .. if 2 years ago I said that between Ford Focus and RBY one of them is going to do really freaking stupid and bad things, get in trouble with law, nearly kill someone and themselves, and get removed from team. Which would you have picked? Why? I propose you would pick Ford Focus based on other antics you’ve seen. When a coach sees antics that would make one think this guy risks getting in trouble - what do you do?
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