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Posts posted by mspart

  1. I can understand attacking Musk for this since he is a free speech crusader but why not also go after Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and others?   They certainly have more bona fides than Musk on censoring. 


  2. Chances are they'll let him go with no bail and a slap on the wrist.   Don't do this again and next time you come in the country, don't be so conspicuous.  I hope I am wrong.   But I have no faith in the justice system anymore after all the felons that have been let go for no reason other than woke prosecutors that won't protect the public.  


  3. Back to the topic, a poorly staged ploy?  

    - Secret Service did not secure that rooftop that had straightline vision to the stage

    - Local police pointed out the shooter at least 30 minutes before and nothing was done about it

    - Secret Service saw the shooter on the roof and waited until shots were fired before taking action.

    These and more questions are why the SS director resigned finally.


    • Bob 2
  4. I think it is strange that Yellowstone doesn't have cameras on all these hydrothermal areas so that they can catch this kind of activity.   It took a tourist to see it.   That was quite the explosion that only a few would have witnessed, but for the camerman.   Now everyone gets to see it.   It must have been quite jarring. 


  5. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/07/23/worth-reading-the-eight-circuit-finds-bar-on-18-20-years-old-violates-the-second-amendment/

    Jonathan Turley provides a case where MN loses an appeal to keep 18-20 year olds from having the right to carry a handgun.   It is interesting reading.   He thinks there will be other appellate courts that might go the opposite direction and that a case like this will land at SCOTUS.  


    • Bob 1
  6. 3 hours ago, red viking said:

    The Democrats worked with the Republicans. It wasn't mutual one bit. The Republicans were going to attack her no matter what. 

    Yes, the Rs were going to attack.   The Ds decided to do it too.   Why?   Because it was the right thing to do.   That makes it mutual.   It would not be mutual if Ds did not attack Cheatle and did not request her resignation.   Sorry RV, you are plain wrong on his one. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, braves121 said:

    What hasn’t she done as AG? DJT donated to her reelection campaign for AG so he thought she was being tough on crime. What didn’t she do that is the responsibility of VP? The VPs job is to break a tie in the senate lol can you share some things that Pence did as VP to compare what Harris has done?

    Perhaps you should read the X as I suggested.   Then you wouldn't have to ask questions. 


  8. 17 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    You're interpretation of racism makes zero sense.

    Piss off you little twit


    17 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    And "retired" WrestlingRasta suddenly starts posting ... like a teenager.

    Only a few answers here:

    • WrestlingRasta is a complete and total phony.
    • Rasta let his grandchild do some posting as him.
    • All the other options result in the same conclusion- WrestlingRasta is a crap poster.

    And this from the self declared pusher of wonderful and thoughtful posts, who lectures everyone else on their in ability to match his wonderful land thoughtful and non-mean spirited posts.   RL is a wonder of disconnection and projection.


    • Brain 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

    im a racist and sexist i guess

    read the whole thing...


    This ^.   Read the whole thing.   He does not like Kamala.   Not because she is a woman (if that can be defined), not because she is black (if that can be defined).   It is because of what she has/hasn't done as AG of CA, VP of USA, Border Czar of USA.  It is her policies.   Period.  End of story.


    • Bob 1
  10. Billy, are you saying that they did not have resources to cover that rooftop that was in plain sight of the stage?   Or is it SS procedure to wait for a would be assassin to fire first before taking any action whatsoever to stop more shooting?  

    I have heard a recording of the SS guys talking about the guy on the rooftop, pointing him out, and doing nothing.   If that is normal protocol, I suggest a new protocol be developed where such rooftops are not left unmanned and if so, someone on there gets shot, especially if they have a firearm.  Even if they don't.  


    • Bob 3
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