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Posts posted by mspart

  1. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4987984-house-senate-republicans-leadership-election/

    27 minutes ago

    Thune after being elected leader: Senate Republicans 'united behind President Trump's agenda'

    Thune said he is “extremely honored” to be selected Senate GOP leader.

    “I am beyond proud of the work we have done to secure our majority and the White House,” he added.

    “This Republican team is united behind President Trump’s agenda, and our work starts today.”

    Not sure why this is a deal.   Trump gets what he wants. 


  2. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/3226732/jayapal-admits-nuke-filibuster-democrats-controlled-senate/#google_vignette

    Jayapal admits she only wanted to nuke filibuster when Democrats controlled Senate

    “Look, I think this is where it goes back to before this election, right? If we had had control of the trifecta and got rid of the filibuster to pass minimum wage, to pass paid sick leave, to pass many of these things that are passing abortion access, that are passing on ballot measures that are so popular, those aren’t going to the state legislatures, either, those are going to the ballot, then I think we would have built some trust with the American people,” she said.

    “I don’t think it’s in opposition at all. I think, obviously, would I be, am I championing getting rid of the filibuster now, when the Senate has the trifecta?” Jayapal continued. “No, but had we had the trifecta, I would have been because we have to show that government can deliver.”

    In other words, it is good if it can be done my way.   Bad if not.   Does she want it now?  No.   This getting rid of the filibuster is not a principled decision, it is a decision of expediency.   The  reason it is there is to that the Senate does not turn into the House.   The Senate should be more deliberative and they should be able to compromise on topics rather than not.   That is why they are there.   Give me a break.  Pramilla  just showed how surpufluous her ideas are.  


  3. I think that when identifying mainstream news, it is silly to say Rogan is mainstream because nobody says, it was on Rogan's podcast so it must be correct news.   Same with AM radio.  

    Fox may be different but those that are on the left will dismiss anything found on Fox just like some here dismiss anything found on tiktok.  

    Who does everyone in the US think of when you say mainstream media?    ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, CNBC, NYT, WAPO, LATimes.    Very few will think of FOX, Rogan, or AM radio. 


  4. She wanted to distance herself from Biden but found it impossible because he and she made all the decisions together.   They were in lockstep together or so we were all told.   So very difficult to say you would do things differently than you did when you are so proud of what you did.   It was doomed from the beginning really.


  5. On 11/8/2024 at 12:12 PM, Tripnsweep said:

    My wife and I discussed leaving on Wednesday. Her family isn't here so if we did move, we'd be closer to them. We can't do it immediately, but in a few years we are going to look at the real possibility. 

    Is this because Trump won or you have been thinking about this for awhile?


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