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  1. You were invited to share your solution if Musk's is no good. But you didn't. So I assume you don't have one and just want to complain. It's easy to say we should root them out, but complain about how it is happening. Tougher to say how it should be done. Again, here is your opportunity to shine and show us how erudite you are. mspart
  2. The ones that are legit can show it. The ones that aren't would have a tough time showing it. It seems like a good way to root out the bad ones. Your solution would be to do nothing and let it continue. We shouldn't have to do anything to find them. That is essentially what you are promoting. If not, please provide your wonderful plan. mspart
  3. So by extension you trust that there are some among the 2 million that ARE making fraudulent purchases on their government credit cards. But we shouldn't root those out? mspart
  4. You've had several examples. That qualifies as over and over again. You can drop the act now. mspart
  5. Stacey Abrams' group receive billions is evidence of fraud. It was meant for one thing supposedly, and ended up somewhere else. She is of course defiant. https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-formally-refers-financial-mismanagement-20b-gold-bars-inspector-general WASHINGTON – In a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acting Inspector General (IG), EPA formally referred the well documented and concerning matter of financial mismanagement, conflicts of interest, and oversight failures with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) for further investigation. Given the severity of misconduct, waste, conflicts of interest, and potential fraud, the GGRF is undergoing a comprehensive review alongside concurrent investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. For example, a Stacey Abrams linked organization that reported just $100 in revenue in 2023, was chosen to receive $2 billion—that’s 20 million times the organization’s reported revenue. To highlight just how unqualified this organization was, the grant agreement provided 90 days to complete "How to Develop a Budget" training even though the organization was instructed to start spending down the balance in the first 21 days of that timeframe. Totally legit! mspart
  6. https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/pelosi-wants-biden-added-to-mount-rushmore-such-a-consequential-president-nancy-joe-kamala-harris-november-election-2024-presidential-washington-dc-politics-abraham-lincoln-teddy-roosevelt-george-washington-and-thomas-jefferson WASHINGTON (TND) — Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.,suggested on Sunday that President Joe Biden has earned his place among America’s greatest presidents and should be recognized accordingly. Biden, she said, has proven to be one of America’s greatest presidents and warrants a place on Mount Rushmore alongside Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. I found this quite quickly on the google. mspart
  7. Hilarious, Ds are rudderless. mspart
  8. Are you sure you can? mspart
  9. You might want to do some light reading. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/on-the-record-the-u-s-administrations-actions-on-russia/ https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/trump-campaign-press-release-fact-trump-has-been-tougher-russia-than-biden mspart
  10. Yes, you are saying what I said you said and you cannot refute it. It doesn't help that you try to explain away the plain words you wrote. If you meant something else by them, that's not my fault. Your written word is quite plain. mspart
  11. Not different. Not even completely. And should they own American assets? That is a question to ask yourself. I don't think they should. Both this and the ports are a national security issue. Like making our own steel. If we can't make our own steel, we are in trouble from a national security standpoint. mspart
  12. Explain how you want, but you threw shade on Blackrock but threw sunlight on the Chinese company. That's what your quotes show. Which all is beside the point. Better a western hemisphere outfit running the ports than an enemy that could take it over. I don't think there is any question that China is not on our side. mspart
  13. Well, Mars candy is the best , no doubt. I prefer it over Hershey and DOTS and other less desirable candies. Although I can't have them anymore. Mars bar and milky way are roughly the same but they do taste different to me. mspart
  14. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/candy-maker-mars-selling-biggest-171745873.html (Bloomberg) -- Mars Inc. is selling $26 billion of US high-grade bonds on Wednesday to fund its acquisition of rival foodmaker Kellanova, the biggest bond sale of the year so far. Kellanova is Kellogs, the cereal company. Mars is a candy company primarily. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless. Another one biting the dust it looks like. mspart
  15. The ports were owned by a chinese conglomerate. They no longer are. But that is not a good thing apparently. mspart
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