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  1. Is Brooks injured? mspart
  2. That's why the Feds are looking at this now. CBS tried to cheat and it is right there. Rather than reporting the news, they wanted Harris to look better than she did. They edited the interview so that that was the case. mspart
  3. So we are to wait until the womens soccer team is 100% trannies before we take action here? And we should wait until the majority of women's athletic scholarships are given to trannies? There is a thing called Nip it in the bud. That stops growth. Easy to do earlier rather than later. mspart
  4. That's a good question. But since this is a recent social contagion/phenomenon I would venture to guess it is markedly higher 2020-2025. I have heard on the radio that the majority of those saying they were the opposite sex were very young boys who said this from very young age to adult hood. Young girls did not participate in this stuff until just recently and it has exploded for boys and girls. So are we to expect that this is a natural rather than contrived situation and that hundreds and thousands of boys and girls have been wanting to be the opposite sex for centuries? There is no evidence of that. There have been eunuchs that were emasculated and they were not considered women. They were just considered no threat to the harem of the big guy. This stuff is not new, the new part is that the incorrect thought that you can transition from one sex to the other. That can't be done. That is science. mspart
  5. 3 months to think about it!! Where did you ship to? mspart
  6. Very telling graph. Germany is in big doo doo. mspart
  7. Perhaps. mspart
  8. Ah but it is now. Before school programs, after school programs. 4 year old kindergarten, and people are working on getting preschool in the public schools. mspart
  9. I like that principle. mspart
  10. In other words, Trump is a Buffoon and it wouldn't help him anyway, but Harris is not a buffoon and it would help her. Plus she is a woman and needs all the advantages she can get. That is what is being said by Trip. One standard for all would be welcome. mspart
  11. The left is against anything that threatens their power. That is why the left is squealing so loudly about USAID. They are supporting funding trans operas in Colombia and LGBT comic books in Peru. Obviously they are because they are not condemning those expenditures, just saying they are all good and no action should be taken. It has been shown the USAID has been behind regime changes. There are reports that they helped fund the CIA effort to get rid of Trump 1.0. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/bombshell-usaid-cia-state-dept-played-role-in-1st-trump-impeachment-top-reporter-in-america/ar-AA1yxvbf?ocid=EMMX&apiversion=v2&noservercache=1&domshim=1&renderwebcomponents=1&wcseo=1&batchservertelemetry=1&noservertelemetry=1 mspart
  12. 80% increase over 10 years is way more than the inflation rate for those years. HOwever, where that money goes is the question. And I asked that question at the beginning, do the teachers get increases or is it the admin and new buildings with state of the art sports and drama facilities? mspart
  13. The conditions in which they work sucks. That's why there is a shortage. You are a Middle School or HS teacher, you have a freakishly good chance of being assaulted by a student or the class is held hostage to an unruly student(s), such that you cannot deliver the content you need to get out. And there are no repercussions to the student. We have given students so many rights and privileges that they can disrupt the learning environment and assault staff with virtual impunity. And the real problem is the parents who think their little johnny is such an angel and couldn't do this and don't punish the cherub at home for their behavior in school. It is a societal decline that has been in the making for decades. I am old enough that I was spanked in elementary and one time in jr high. They called it swat in jr high. More manly. We never had the kinds of issues in the 60's and 70's that they have now. Teachers had it easy back then. Because if you did something at school and got punished, you prayed your parents didn't find out because it would be worse at home. That doesn't happen anymore. No amount of money will change that. That would have to be a societal change. mspart
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