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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Bob please explain all sports have predetermined outcomes. Now if you are watching WWE you would be right.
  2. Does anyone really care about them going on strike?
  3. do you mean a Constitutional federal Republic ? Which is what America is.
  4. What percentage of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere each year is from humans? Before you look it up take a guess.
  5. So over the last 25 years instead people actually receiving beneficial help the doctors prescribe drugs to fix the problem. which in some cases can help. But I believe Americans are over medicated. Just read the small print on the bottle.
  6. They will send an armed swat team with helicopters,M1A Abram tanks along with tv crews from CNN ,MSNBC.
  7. Probably not.
  8. I felt there was a 99.9 % chance that would be the outcome. I for one don't believe them.
  9. WrestlingRasta. Really!! Calling people Dipshits. Do you feel better now?
  10. Reminded me of what you might see in Russia or North Korea. What an absolute joke of a hearing. How much money did the taxpayers pay for this ridiculous production?
  11. I would have loved to hear Wray say when asked .{ Are you protecting the Biden family ?} say absolutely yes I am!!!!!!
  12. The smoke. You mean the smoke???? Oh!!!!!
  13. What state did you wrestle in? Did you have a lot of success?
  14. I wrestled against Pima CC along with all of the other colleges in Arizona. Great experience.
  15. I'm not to sure that most conservatives like the recent actions of Director Wray. I could be wrong.
  16. Lived in Ohio but went to wrestle in college in Yuma ,Arizona. Extremely hot.
  17. Could you please explain what you are saying. The last sentence in particular.
  18. I'll take " who wished they had 81 million Legal Votes in the last election" for 1600 dollars Alex .
  19. Know they aren't on the ballot but they just want to keep voting for as long as possible.
  20. OK. The bottom line is we don't know when it was put there. There is a possibility that know one investigating this knows when it was put there. So it doesn't matter when the Bidens were there does it? We only know when it was found.
  21. Bob are you ok? MSpart is a reasonable guy with common sense. He obviously doesn't share your political views but he seems pretty fair in his assessments of people with different viewpoints.
  22. Well said Bernie. I voting for you for president.
  23. Most of us have jobs, families and a decent amount of education . All of which requires some level of common sense. For some reason it seems that a good number of people in Washington DC are lacking in the common sense department. What are your thoughts. Thanks.
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