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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Ok . Number 1 . What is the purpose of security? It is supposed to be adequate to keep people and property safe and secure. The Chief of the Capital Police told the Seargent-at Arms in the House and the Senate way in advance the security he had was not adequate to protect the people and the Capital. They turned him down multiple times because of Optics. That is criminal. Anyone with half a brain new the protestors would be there in large numbers protesting. They new the protestors were upset because of the election. So you need a security force large enough to keep people safe. This is done all the time. So to not understand that is reach beyond words.
  2. I read where both sergents-at arms (Senate and Congress) turned down requests because it would have been bad optics. The National Guard needed to be in Place the night of Jan 5th and early Jan 6th. I also read the Mayor of DC said the same thing.
  3. A group of 5th graders would have been more succesful.So know it was not an attempt to overthrow government. It was just a protest that went bad because of the failure to adequately secure the Capital.Anyone with half a brain could have easily put measures in to place to prevent Jan 6th.
  4. Have you ever watched Whitehouse Down. You would need 20 times that fire power and organization to make an attempt to over throw the government and steal the election You would still fail miserably.
  5. You beat me to it. But thanks.
  6. Data shows their careers overlapped by 5 years.
  7. Can you verify that data.
  8. The January 6th security failure was the single most important US political event in generations. See I fixed that for you. January 6 th was predictable and easily prevented. The Capital Police Chief had it right and was turned down multiple times. With an additional 500 National Guard Soldiers activated days in advance and positioned properly on Jan 5th and early Jan 6th, Jan. 6th never happens.
  9. She worked at the same law firm as Hunter Biden. She also worked closely with Energy Company Burisma.
  10. Should have recused herself.
  11. You can thank the lady who figured out the video was shot at the courthouse. Which caused CMT to stop playing it.
  12. Does Fauci know about this. If not we need him now. Dr. Fauci to the rescue.( With the William Tell Overture playing in the background)
  13. Has it been mentioned where he might go to college?
  14. got it. I live in North Carolina. Do I need to fire up the Lear Jet and take off right away?
  15. I'll be right over.
  16. She was only making 47 million a year She is worth 440 million.
  17. I agree. That seems like the theme (or the goal) of all these indictments from the very beginning. To knock Trump out of running for president.
  18. I'm leaning toward the federal judge in Delaware.
  19. Maybe they could get some of those aliens that have been seen flying around our pilots.
  20. Choosing your words carefully. You are a good lawyer/athletic sports guy.
  21. agreed. Actually the Democrats wanted to run against Donald Trump. They thought Hillary would easily beat Donald Trump.
  22. I'm talking about the absurdity of the Jan. 6th hearings. There were no witnesses for the defense. There was no cross examination.
  23. I would say Hillary got Trump elected. Women weren't very excited about her as a President.
  24. It looks like the January 6 th hearings on steroids.
  25. The media doesn't have to try to twist facts on Joe . He gives them more than enough material in speech , falling upstairs, falling on flat surfaces and on his bike.
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