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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Started wrestling in the 10th grade. I was 16 when i started my senior year. I wrestled in Ohio. Missed going to state by one match. Placed 4th in my district .Only 4 qualified. The 3 that went to state finished 1st,3rd and 5th. Went on to college .Qualified for Nationals twice . A few years later at the AAU Nationals in the open division wrestled NCAA champion Keith Stearns in the finals and lost 4 to 2 in overtime. Toughest guy I ever wrestled was Joe Tice in the finals of the Las Vegas CKLV tournament.
  2. So are you saying Joe and company are just better criminals . Should be interesting to see what comes out of the closed deposition on Monday. Will shell companies and off-shore bank accounts be Joe and Hunters undoing?
  3. Do you think he might be related to Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory?
  4. Yes old Jack could have put a stop to the Biden Crime Family a long time ago. Could have saved America and its citizens a lot of misery and pain . But that would have been the right thing to do.
  5. So are you calling yourself a moron insect or are you calling bigbrog a moron insect?
  6. And he wins. Really
  7. So La Duke do you have grievance with America so strong that it would compel you to burn the American Flag ?
  8. Le Duke :I'm not sure were you're from but all he is saying is don't try your woke, unpatriotic ,criminal behavior in our town. Great song its top 10 in billboard 100. its also number 2 on I-tunes. You do know the mob that lynched the black man was orchestrated by the democratic Ku Klux Klan.
  9. I don't think so. I think the victims families are being gracious. They are trying to protect the shooters family from the retribution that would come from the release of the manifesto.
  10. I think we all know what it says. Will they ever release it? Probably not.
  11. The base line you are using is 8 years old. I can find little data on this subject that is current . Maybe in the coming years we will have some accurate research results. For now there is little up to date data. That is concerning.
  12. And you never will. That is off limits for some reason.
  13. What if that number has doubled or increased by 40 % since covid. Is there any recent up to date data. Usually google searches for data is 2 or 3 years old. which would not cover covid and the shot.
  14. Don't take this the wrong way Bob but didn't you pass away a few years ago.
  15. Wow . Had the judge allowed this go through Hunter would have had immunity from any other illegal activities he might be involved in the past. This really looks like the 2 sides are colluding with one another .The deal they agreed on would have been the deal of century.
  16. Judge is accusing Hunters lawyers of misrepresentation, also accused of trying to remove briefing material.
  17. Its taking a long time if it is just a simple plea deal.
  18. What is the conspiracy. Would you want to come and testify before congress if you had information that could get the president impeached and his son put in jail. Devon Archer knows this will go really bad for him. He knows his life will forever be changed. But I am pleased that you are now reading at an acceptable level now, Keep up the good work.
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