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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. See what I mean, ol' Brilliant Bob? The evidence is clear and the ones voting "guilty" are doing so only out of spite. They're all too ***duck duck goose** stupid to read it all and not be able to clearly decipher that no final terms were ever agreed upon.
  2. Illegal transporting over state lines to me. You REALLY like criminal politicians, don't you?
  3. I'll match wits with a dumb***duck duck goose** like you any day, boy. Care to compare careers?
  4. Who attacked whom first since you came on, dipshit mother***duck duck goose**er?
  5. You must be easily amused. WOW!
  6. Exactly. The exact terms of the bet were never agreed upon.
  7. This MUST be considered: show us where the final conditions of the bet were agreed upon, with the virtual handshake that agreed upon the terms. The terms were not agreed upon. This is NOT present, so now vote.
  8. I'm referring to his opposition to the big gubment mandated teaching that slavery was beneficial, Adolph.
  9. Yes, before the modern era of subsidization. That's why farms were diversified.
  10. Well, they WERE transporting undocumented people across state lines. Sounds criminal to me.
  11. ***duck duck goose** you, asshole.
  12. How does one illegally seek asylum?! That's a new one on this immigration buff!
  13. Because I curiously have so many enemies on here from 20 years ago and they all reinforce each others' confirmation biases. No one could be honest about it. If people were informed as to how betting works, no honest person could look at that and agree that we had fully agreed upon the terms of the bet. Neither of us did.
  14. And why were DeSandburg and Abbott smuggling and human trafficking these folks to NY to begin with?
  15. Tim Scott disagrees, which should tell you something! This VERY STATEMENT led to my culture being cancelled on The Open Mat, but I don't care and I'll say it again. As I've been illustrating for 20 years now, take some of the comments in this thread and compare them to comments made on Stromfront.com or any number of white power sites and guess what? The comments are indistinguishable from those, and would be welcomed with open arms among those hate groups. Something to hang your hats on folks, indeed!
  16. No, sir! Talk about a biased pool! Here's how betting works. Both parties clarify to each other exactly what they are betting on, both agree, then seal it with a handshake. None of which happened with us. You changed the conditions and claimed "victory," but I never agreed to the conditions. Why would I have?! I only engage people in sucker bets, and why would I have EVER agreed to a bet that I'd clearly lose? B.S.!
  17. How, when the final comditions were never agreed upon?
  18. I'm anti-corporate farming, and anti-subsidy farming for crap that we don't even eat. Aside from that, you'll never meet a person more pro-ag than I am. We just have a backwards system of subsidization of our food system. I initially came from farming, before the days of corporations and subsidies.
  19. Ah, so it can be proved, once and for to Bob, that we never formally agreed to the final conditions of our bet, never solidified with a "handshake."
  20. Yes. I'm probably too aware of the "uses" of the garbage.
  21. I'd argue that farmers get paid to grow nothing all over the country, and especially here in Ioway. I once heard it described (accurately) this way: Iowa is surrounded by food ( corn and soybeans), none of which is edible. It's all commodity and used for other purposes, sure as heck not eating. So, yes, they grow nothing. One of the best films I've seen. https://www.pbs.org/video/independent-lens-king-corn/
  22. That quote posted above came immediately after (of course it did) I first posted that equation. Now, who's the liar? As for my phone not being able to post the quote. For one, you could have easily scrolled above and read the post. Two, and more importantly, that function is not available on phones, or at least not my Samsung 8. 6÷10=60%
  23. Cancel culture. Another freedom loving authoritarian.
  24. Insert dumb guy voice...NOW!
  25. Yes, yet another antagonist from 20 years ago who initiates an argument with me, I reply, and get cancelled because I'm the one causing the trouble. Like a broken ***duck duck goose** record. I'm so tired of it.
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