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Everything posted by jross

  1. We are in this weird situation where big tech has monopoly power on information, and the danger to democracy has been realized. Twitter has a 25% USA population penetration. This is different than CNN and Fox News with their 1%. I don't like it but don't fear when (Fox News or) CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester says The bias from moderators in the presidential elections is a problem because 70M people watch. Left or Right bias is a problem. Giving the topics/questions before the debate is also a problem. Not okay with that...
  2. The latest insight says that Twitter couldn't find a reason to ban Trump, but they did anyways because employees demanded it. Fire! Fire! Wake up! You were asleep! Wake up! Twitter Files Free speech used to matter: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1533972260062736385.html The Twitter files: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598822959866683394.html The Twitter files supp: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1600243405841666048.html Secret exclusion lists: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601007575633305600.html Removing Trump Jan6: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601352083617505281.html Removing Trump Jan7: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601720455005511680.html Removing Trump Jan8: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1602364197194432515.html
  3. My wife's view on Griner is that the trade was good. If it was her daughter, she would rather have her daughter back even if that meant 1000 other people died. I don't agree with her but I understand her. My view is that if it was my daughter, it is soul-crushing to say, but the greater good outweighs the few. No trade. Find another way like Ross Perot did, pay a bunch of money, etc. My wife doesn't agree with me, but she understands the view.
  4. Sure! Some tools are more effective at killing than others. A gun is not alive and deciding to kill people. It isn't very sensible to say otherwise. The tattoo on my right arm honors a friend who took his life with a shotgun at 21. His choice is no reason to regulate shotguns. The data shows that guns are a near-zero cause of death in the USA. This is superbly impressive data, considering the massive amount of available guns. It is nonsense to further regulate legal gun ownership nationwide across 80M legal gun owners in a manner that doesn't address the rare isolated bad case incidents. The data shows we could reduce felony murder by policing targeted city blocks better... be tough on minor infractions, enforce curfews, etc.
  5. Acknowledged. If you say your daughter died from guns, and you feel that one death is worth stripping the rights of a nation... then that's an informed view. I may not agree with it, but I'll respect it. Selling guns to 80M civilians that have repeatedly demonstrated their use for law-abiding purposes cannot be compared to the Russian guy selling guns to enable mass killing. If you want to argue this, I'm going to throw rubber chickens into the mix.
  6. Elahichouran looked so young when introduced. The announcer says he is only 17 years old! Wow!
  7. Yes @nhs67 to the black screen.
  8. YES ^^^ AND what does this say about America in relation to freeing a Merchant of Death? It says that America makes decisions based on emotions rather than intelligence, and it is soft on crime.
  9. The problem is the knowing enablement of mass homicide more than the object. Let's say a terrorist group wants to choke people to death by stuffing their mouths with rubber chickens. But they can't get their hands on enough rubber chickens to kill a large number of people. Along comes this guy who provides tens of thousands of rubber chickens with direct knowledge that the terrorist will use them to kill people. Replace rubber chicken with wrestling shoes, kittens, beer, pocket knife, Joseph Bruno's toys, cars, etc. Lots of people use these objects without killing people.
  10. This latest example has a narrative that the kings of Twitter make up rules on the fly to ban people they don't like. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601720455005511680?refresh=1670729472
  11. You are fine to use Face ID. You cannot defeat face recognition with a printed photo. The practical risk is from family. My elder daughter can unlock mom’s phone because of their resemblance. Mostly someone would need to get you incapacitated and have possession of your phone. There are other risks of facial modelling that you do not need to worry about. I use facial recognition for convenience and it provides enough security for my needs.
  12. Reporters choice. My reasoning is that you were the best in the world for at least one year.
  13. The goddaughter theme when she repeats as champ.
  14. Nobody freed is the choice to make.
  15. Hypothetically, my wife says she would trade the MoD for her own daughter. I would not. She says the MoD’s brother Joe just took his spot. I’m like sure but this guy is going to destroy more lives than are affected by getting the daughter back. Am I cold hearted or big hearted? Depends on how you look at it.
  16. When I read the article, I thought great decision in not trading for Whelan. When I read the Whelen tweet, I felt bad for the family. When I see the news about the baller, I think how great for the family. When I see who we freed, I think Brandon is an idiot.
  17. Okay. Now Twitter is getting annoying again. Even with biased heavy left, surely there are examples of censorship on the left at the instruction of the right. This needs addressed because the truth is as awful as it looks, or it isn’t.
  18. In other news, my house's gymnast joined the high school wrestling club, and I don't know what to do with my hands. She could have the best grip strength of many girls her age, but this grasshopper knows little of technique and conditioning. A handful of practices and she was thrown to the varsity wolves in a tournament. The first match was nerve-wracking but her smile is fantastic! She doesn't know the scoring system but hasn't given up back points. She is 3-3 with 3 pins. What pinning move do you ask? The ol' half---
  19. She is trying to repeat as a champ at the 2022 Council Bluffs Wrestling Classic. Have you heard country rap? One cannot describe it. This one only has 43M views... others have 180M!
  20. As a software engineer trained in security, I advise you to do the following: Sign up for a password manager like https://www.lastpass.com/ or https://1password.com/ Commit all of your passwords to the password management tool Have a unique account password to social media, finance, and other meaningful websites. Never use the same password twice, and use the password manager's suggested passwords. It's okay! You only need to remember your master password, and your pw tool will handle the rest on your mobile devices and your browser. This password must be very secure - think of three words with symbols and numbers (e.g. wrestle74@cyber!_chuckles OR harder... qaXSSXw*XgEe5re*kn24n) The odds are that every person that reads this post will have used the same password for multiple accounts. For example, your intermat pw will be the same pw you use for your bank or facebook. Further, the odds are that you've used an email account for at least one site that has been compromised, and both your email and password have been compromised. You can check your email at https://haveibeenpwned.com/ and passwords at https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords. I checked some of my generic passwords today, and they've been pawned. You are at risk if one account is exposed and you use the same credentials elsewhere. A baseball teammate discovered last week that someone in Brooklyn, New York spent $4K on TVs, dinner, Uber, and $300 on OnlyFans. He's a construction worker and has no idea about this stuff. Learn from him. ---- Now to the juice. Are elections hacked? Who knows? I know the techniques in this HBO document are real, and they work. I've had to refactor my websites to guard against security risks, and I've run the tools that report security risks across my company's assets.
  21. This is what I'm talking about. Asinine is the appropriate word for this example where PV is claimed to be deceptively editing... but in what context is this appropriate for 14-17-year-old students to have this optional educational 'opportunity?' Note that one's SxOrient. is irrelevant. The dean's words are his words. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/elite-chicago-private-schools-dean-of-students-brags-about-bringing-in-lgbtq/
  22. This thread is still unrolling...
  23. When you see your god-daughter hit a move for the pin. Which move?
  24. I just watched this video and love it. I came to the same conclusions doing my own raw data research and critical thinking. This confirms the importance of using data and thinking for oneself, rather than blindly listening to the media. It's also sad!!!
  25. What am I missing? Either US citizen for the MoD was a lousy trade. All that Russian video did was highlight how stupid this was.
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