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Everything posted by jross

  1. My biology teacher told me the purpose of life was to spread my seed far and wide.
  2. If you shared the belief that the unborn are human beings, you would classify abortion as a homicide. You would question WTF is wrong with a society that is good with 500K+ innocents being terminated each year. Then HTF is this same group going to make the case that the worst people should live? 49 years of 500K+ innocents aborted due to a mother's discretion is 24.5M+. People are good with that? Across 49 years there are 190 known cases of the wrongfully convicted on death row. In 2018 there were 180K murderers incarcerated. 190/180K is ~0%.
  3. My understanding of Georgia law is this A mother can get medical treatment to address miscarriage, stillbirth, and ectopic pregnancy at any time. [This is not classified as an abortion.] A mother can legally have an abortion when anytime her life or health is at risk anytime her unborn child is detected to have a fatal defect the probable gestational age of the unborn child is 20 weeks or less, and the pregnancy results from rape or incest, in which an official police report has been filed the unborn child is yet to have a heartbeat (before six weeks) As for Georgia, the law is working the way it is intended. The state passed, and the governor signed the heartbeat bill into law in 2019. I believe that the unborn is a life that deserves to live. The unborn is not a clump of cells to be removed like a wart. In my view, the unborn has a right to live so long as it is not at the cost of the mother's life or health. In the rare case of severe and fatal birth defects, it is tolerable to spare the child from suffrage. Understandably, a biological mother would not want to parent a child from an affair, rape, or incest. These children can be given up for adoption and have a chance at a happy life rather than be terminated due to a biological parent's mistakes. Guttmacher and other surveys have repeatedly found that the overwhelming reason for abortion is that the mother is not 'ready' to parent, rather than for medical necessity. An unfit mother should give that child up for adoption rather than terminate the next potential GOAT of wrestling. My teenage sister became pregnant from a one-night stand with a coworker. Abortion was seriously considered, and my sister decided to move forward with a closed adoption. A family was quickly found (and later disappointed). When my sister was further along in pregnancy, my parents decided to raise my niece as a legal guardian and adopt her after the fifth year. After my niece was born, my sister moved to cheese country and returned in the fifth year, taking over parental responsibilities. My mother is in her 60s and recently discovered she has a half-sister from her mother's affair. Her parents adopted the baby out rather than terminating her. This is the way.
  4. What is a staggering number of cases overturned? In my view, if you have a clear-cut case like where there is video footage of someone murdering someone else in the morning, you hang'em that afternoon. WTF is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev doing alive past April 2013? Why was Edmund Kemper allowed to live after confessing to killing his grandparents?
  5. Honest question. What is the thought process that supports dispatching innocent babies in the womb while wanting convicted murderous criminals to live?
  6. Part of this discussion is pointed at 'not assuming.' Mike tried to set a trap on another discussion, and his bias prevented reading comprehension.
  7. I don't want to assume his opinion. There are two edge beliefs; the 20% that believe in legal abortion at any time for any reason, and the 10% that believe abortion should be illegal at all times regardless of the reason.
  8. Yianni is better than Gomez and Elam is better than Warner. This was true and is true.
  9. I hypothesize that folks argue against each other with a mind's lie that the other person is radical. The opinions above are my own, and I am curious to find out if people mostly agree. The only opinion that I've spot checked against surveys is abortion, and I know I'm in the majority there. 70% of the population believes in regulating, 20% believe it should be legal in all cases, and 10% believe it should be illegal in all cases. It is alarming that the media (and this forum) make statements implying the edge case is the common case.
  10. Carter only sat on the ankle for a short time. Carter looked busy for most of the third period against an active bottom man who was difficult to turn. It reminded me of a 'stalling on top, it's a problem' discussion as an example where it was not a problem. Highlights from Pat Milkovich for the 'stalling on top its a problem' discussion from March 2021 below and and
  11. Mekhi doesn't try to ride Carter, and that's been the difference in both losses. Carter is tough on top.
  12. I am slightly right and generally believe that the best government is the one that governs the least. The best rules are the natural rules. There are a few examples where the least amount of taxes are warranted for a healthier, happier society (health, education, military, housing, and transportation as examples). I vote based on leadership and policies over party lines. Some comments in return. Marriage This could be a non-issue if the tax incentives were independent of civil/marriage unions The majority believe that marriage is a religious union. Nonreligious couples should advocate for the government to replace the term marriage with civil unions in all of its government documentation and regulations per separation of church and state. Regulations The challenge is with determining what qualifies as 'whenever necessary.' It is silly to require my child to have a permit to sell lemonade at our house during a yard sale. It would be an undue burden to require me to only drive vehicles that meet propane-only standards, effective December 1st this year. The FDA is needed, but it certainly is slow and costly Voting No registration should be required. Only those who provide an ID can vote. Elections should be 100% end-to-end auditable.
  13. 3M of 330M U.S. citizens (1%) die annually. The causes of death are not limited to: Heart disease - 700K Cancer - 600K Omitted stroke, respiratory, kidney, Alzheimer's, flu, covid, diabetes, etc., from 50K to 350K each. Accidental drug overdose/poison - 85K Vehicle accident - 40K Homicide by firearm - 19K Abortion - 900K+ (included for visibility; this category is excluded from citizen death count) 0.5% of deaths are caused by homicide from a firearm. The average citizen has a 0.006% chance of dying from an idiot with a gun. Your chance of death from a public mass shooting is 0.0~% while over 80M citizens own guns and over 400M guns exist in the U.S. WTF do people focus on a blip of priorities? Media and stupidity. Leaders should focus on affordability and access to healthy foods and lifestyles.
  14. Data from Texas signals that fewer illegal immigrants are caught committing crimes (including violence) than citizens. Is it because these are ambitious, high-character people seeking a better life? Possibly. Eliminating reported crime rates within a social circle would reduce crime rates substantially for any population group. For immigrants living under the fear of deportation, it is natural that they do not report crimes against themselves concerning assault, domestic abuse, and theft. Every illegal immigrant is a criminal most at risk for deportation when caught committing a non-immigration crime. Fear peddling about illegal immigrant violent crime goes in one ear and out the other. I trust the data that crime against citizens is not a concern. I also trust the information that illegal immigration is a tax burden and undermines legal immigration. I'm unsure if illegal immigrants have indirectly stolen blue-collar jobs by accepting low wages. There definitely are cultural differences that can have a negative impact on society (like with the treatment of women); however, that is equally true with legal immigration.
  15. Some KC crime entertainment. Wait for it.
  16. We argue stupidly by using edge examples as representatives for left vs right stereotypes. How would you change these opinions to match the population majority? Abortion There are situations where it should be legal and situations where it should be illegal. Education Every citizen should have access to affordable public education from preschool through college. Environment Policy Regulations are situationally necessary. Gay Rights A citizen's sexual preference must not affect one's rights and benefits. Government Spending A balanced budget and low debt are more important than social safety nets. Gun Rights Every citizen has a right to bear arms. Regulations better enable public and personal safety. Health Care Every citizen should have access to affordable health care. Immigration Legal immigration is good, and there should be fewer restrictions on legal immigration. We should reduce illegal immigration. Military There are larger local problems to solve than to police the world. Personal Responsibility Each adult has more responsibility than anyone else and the government for their own life's success. Regulations Government regulations hinder free-market capitalism and job growth; therefore, while needed, should be used sparingly to protect consumers and the environment. Death Penalty While a low percentage of innocent people are wrongfully convicted, there are situations where convicted criminals should be dispatched. Taxes What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue. -Thomas Paine Voting Major elections should be a government holiday to maximize participation. IDs and citizenship must be a requirement to vote.
  17. Yes. I had Elam winning 197 last year but Buchanan was too good.
  18. Warner looks better than I've seen him in that loss. Expected Missouri to win bigger.
  19. Lewan won with strength and positioning. I missed that pick.
  20. I had McGee winning by two takedowns. Byrd looks good.
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