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jross last won the day on November 3

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  1. I'm sorry if you didn't have a childhood with two stable parents. I agree that remaining together can be worse than being apart.
  2. Did you catch the point? Divorce is not "the reason", it is a symptom of "the reason." Regardless of the reasons, 80% of the parents job is to be present and give a damn. Unhappy parents make for unhappy children.
  3. On her therapist.
  4. It's not necessarily the multiple divorces, rather her family doesn't care. (e.g. IT IS BROKEN) "My parents are scum, there is nothing that will save them to make me think good of them Ever again." "I was the wrong child of the family, my parents admit they didn't want me, nor never did even if i've grown. I'm always the one who sat out or sat in another room because they didn't want to interact with me at any point in time, then I stayed in my room all day during the day and night and after and before school as well." "My parents divorced quite a few times which didn't help me at all but not did it really affect me it just made me a little lonely because nobody was there for me and never really has." "My mother tried overdosing when I was around 12 or something, I don't care if she would have survived or died from it but yet she was still here, doesn't mean she actually was in my life." "I've never really liked my father to be exact, because honestly why should I, our hate is mutual to each other, he will never see me as his daughter." "He will never love me like he loved his ex or her kids or even alcohol.." "My so-called family never included me because I was too weird for them, my father never treated me with respect. My father will always make me stand out in the worst possible way yet, bring up how I fail school or can't get out of bed simply because I don't want to leave. He makes me look like a freak to his family and friends, he says so much but look at his bad side." "I got the weapons by lies and manipulation, and my fathers stupidity."
  5. Blue Sky is like Facebook years ago. Blue Sky is like Twitter before 2016. No, Blue Sky is like the old internet before AD Hussies come into play. As soon as people become incented for clicks, it will get dicey. Enjoy the pleasantness while it lasts.
  6. Unfortunately the two wrestlers that I went to High School state wrestling with as a Junior... offed themself. Unhappy childhoods leading to unhappy adulthood. I suppose I could have been the trifecta. My parents verbally fought like cats and dogs over my eldest rebellious sister. I hid and cried uncontrollably under the stairs. That emotional trauma was nothing compared to the emptiness when mom kicked dad out of the house (both times). My parents stuck it out and life was better with my folks, middle sister, and me from there. I was 8 and 10 years old when these 1-3 month incidents (dad out of the house) occurred. I would be trouble had I not had a father to show me the way. My mother praises my children's behavior but not my sister's children's behavior. Is this because I'm married for 20 years while my sisters are both divorced? Being present and giving a damn is 80% of the job.
  7. Manifesto talks about seeing a therapist... Parents divorced multiple times is confirmed... Story as old as time... broken family causes sad and angry children... Not just the divorce, but broken...
  8. Both parents addicted to drugs, mom attempted suicide, name calling, treated kid "like scum." Read the manifesto -- it's sad. Easier to read - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1868795614491800032.html
  9. The manifesto says so.
  10. Is this like running a red light on camera and getting the fine a little later?
  11. Fault starts with the parents. https://x.com/Slatzism/status/1868810086358929428
  12. Yes. Is there enough evidence to determine Luigi meant to intimidate or coerce a civilian population? That depends on what his manifesto says, and what he says, and such. There is evidence that he found violence committed by others coerce the civilian population as "interesting." https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/pen/part-4/title-y-1/article-490/490-25/
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