Pablo, you’ve put words in my mouth I never said. I didn’t claim takedowns are all that matter or that I don’t care about pinning. Please stick to what I wrote.
I’m all for aggressive wrestling, and my entertainment rankings show it:
Defender reversal from their back directly to having their opponent on their back
Aggressive Neutral wrestling to take the opponent from feet to back
Aggressive top wrestling in an attempt to pin
Aggressive Neutral wrestling to score a standard takedown
Defender reversal
Defender earned escape
Top wrestling for control without trying to pin (riding time)
Aggressive wrestling defended from any position that results in zero points
Top wrestler gifts a free escape point
Neutral wrestlers not engaging
Bottom wrestler not engaging (turtling)
Purposely pushing action out of bounds
Purposely fleeing the mat
Purposely touching the floor to be out of bounds
Here’s how I rank them by challenge to execute:
Defender reversal from their back directly to having their opponent on their back
Aggressive Neutral wrestling to take the opponent from feet to back
Defender reversal from bottom
Aggressive wrestling defended from any position that results in zero points
Aggressive top wrestling in an attempt to pin
Aggressive Neutral wrestling to score a standard takedown
Defender earned escape from bottom
Top wrestling for control without trying to pin (riding time)
Purposely pushing action out of bounds
Top wrestler gifts a free escape point
Neutral wrestlers not engaging
Bottom wrestler not engaging (turtling)
Purposely fleeing the mat
Purposely touching the floor to be out of bounds
I’d prefer takedowns and reversals both at 2 points, with escapes at 0; returning to Neutral is reward enough for an escape, and I don’t see why it needs points tacked on. The 3-point takedown was a solid change, though; it creates a clear two-point gap from the escape, which I like.
To you point on challenge reflected by points: why do we award more for a free escape than for defending a takedown from the crackdown position, which takes skill?