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jross last won the day on January 29

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  1. The crew said rob won on counterattacks earlier. This is why nobody did anything. If Sprat wins; he does not care what the viewers think. Smart. … but yuck
  2. Yes we really should copy the better parts from freestyle, while keeping it folkstyle.
  3. Pablo, you’ve put words in my mouth I never said. I didn’t claim takedowns are all that matter or that I don’t care about pinning. Please stick to what I wrote. I’m all for aggressive wrestling, and my entertainment rankings show it: Defender reversal from their back directly to having their opponent on their back Aggressive Neutral wrestling to take the opponent from feet to back Aggressive top wrestling in an attempt to pin Tie Aggressive Neutral wrestling to score a standard takedown Defender reversal Defender earned escape Top wrestling for control without trying to pin (riding time) Aggressive wrestling defended from any position that results in zero points Top wrestler gifts a free escape point Neutral wrestlers not engaging Bottom wrestler not engaging (turtling) Purposely pushing action out of bounds Purposely fleeing the mat Purposely touching the floor to be out of bounds Here’s how I rank them by challenge to execute: Defender reversal from their back directly to having their opponent on their back Aggressive Neutral wrestling to take the opponent from feet to back Defender reversal from bottom Aggressive wrestling defended from any position that results in zero points Aggressive top wrestling in an attempt to pin Aggressive Neutral wrestling to score a standard takedown Defender earned escape from bottom Top wrestling for control without trying to pin (riding time) Purposely pushing action out of bounds Top wrestler gifts a free escape point Neutral wrestlers not engaging Bottom wrestler not engaging (turtling) Purposely fleeing the mat Purposely touching the floor to be out of bounds I’d prefer takedowns and reversals both at 2 points, with escapes at 0; returning to Neutral is reward enough for an escape, and I don’t see why it needs points tacked on. The 3-point takedown was a solid change, though; it creates a clear two-point gap from the escape, which I like. To you point on challenge reflected by points: why do we award more for a free escape than for defending a takedown from the crackdown position, which takes skill?
  4. I love fixing the intermat forum.
  5. A PSU fan pitchin’ a fit over Jordan Burroughs is like a mama throwin’ a hissy ‘cause her little Mitchell Mesenbrink went and poked the ol’ grizzly at them Trials and got hisself shoved back... cryin’ and huggin’ her fancy necklace over a dang skinned knee... then hollerin’ louder’n a stuck hog when JB said he’d go after Carter Starocci’s bum leg like it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet night down at Joy Wok. Meanwhile, Burroughs is up yonder in the booth, slingin’ truth bombs like an all-I-see-is-GOLD big dog, while these fans are squallin’ like the tractor just pancaked their best sow. Reckon these Fantasy Land North Eastern PSU yahoos figure they can play lady mother hens, cluckin’ over a broke feather. Grow up, ya sissified Happy Valley City Slickers wannabee Hayseeds!
  6. Hidlay was excellent on the mic.
  7. Come join the dark side of non wrestling forum.
  8. Allows 2-3 wrestlers with winning records and enough matches per team to compete in the postseason. They don’t score team points but they can qualify and compete at nationals.
  9. a troll’s mirror is darker than their soul
  10. Another option for coaches is to keep the matches and fill slots with the depth chart. I limit how many baseball pitches my youth boys throw and let others play so we can compete across 5 games in a weekend. Otherwise it is my fault when their arm hurts.
  11. Introduce the passivity clock in neutral situations. Reward the wrestler holding center that is taking action. Put the other on the clock.
  12. I’d like to see more incentives to wrestle. A mat so big there is no out of bounds… I despised watching Hidlay wrestle the edge and disagree with his matcast narrated excitement about wrestlers that do work the edge. Penalize egregious guiding out of bounds from the attacker. But allow movement in bounds to continue scoring out of bounds. Penalize fleeing out of bounds.
  13. A reversal is theoretically more difficult because bottom man is at a disadvantage to top man. Bottom is often easier in reality because top skill riding is not rewarded in youth. Most everyone is incentivized to be good from neutral. In college, top wresting becomes more important than before.
  14. A reversal is not a “better”move but it is generally harder to achieve on a superior wrestler. Why is an escape worth zero and a reversal worth one in free style? Points are also about incentives. Aggressive action from neutral is exciting to watch. Rather than increasing TD from 2 to 3, I would rather the escape had been dropped to zero. It is fine as is.
  15. Drop the ‘chicken hawk’ act... you’re not clever, just loud. Your labels are tired, your rants are thin, and the "wingers" sees through the wannabe Viking schtick. Trump dodged a draft... you dodge nuanced thought. Quit posturing and try making sense for once...
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