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  1. There's a lot that's up in the air right now for NCAA athletics as a whole. Until the settlement is finalized (scheduled for April 2025), I don't think you're going to see a lot of big programs making aggressive moves, unless they have a serious outside benefactor that can effect change (like in Stillwater). P5 Athletics budgets are about to be upended. If/once it's clear that D1 wrestling is going to continue in something close to its current format, you could see Bono get shown the door. Until then I wouldn't expect a single extra dollar to be spent on the program that they don't raise themselves.
  2. He's a special talent. No doubt about that. From the outside looking in it's hard to determine the cause of his occasional lapses. At times I've thought recurring concussions, which is obviously scary and impossible to predict. At other times it's seemed like he's healthy but collapses mentally when things aren't going his way. Hard to say. He's a guy that could bonus his way through the NCAA tournament on the right weekend, and those don't come around too often.
  3. Good on the athletes for getting paid, but this is all a side effect of the third party pay-for-play system we're operating in. Contracts and salaries could fix this particular phenomenon. Unfortunate reality of the new era that an athlete can effectively hold out at any time of their own choosing.
  4. Still working that out but I think just doing B1Gs this year. Too many dads with newborns in our group to make the full NCAAs trip work.
  5. Update--my apologies for the delay. I had some personal obligations pop up and trackwrestling wasn't available to expedite the results tallying process. But... better late than never. I have finally tallied the points, and the results are below: @MPhillips is our winner with 154 points. Shoot me a DM to claim your $20 prize. @nhs67 had the best darkhorse with Frost taking 5th place from an unseeded position, scoring 15 team points. Shoot me a DM to claim your $5 consolation... one beer on me. Apologies again for not updating the scoring in real time. Life got in the way.
  6. Lots of hope on Geog across the board. I will update the standings by tomorrow morning.
  7. Also--BUMP. If anyone wants to get into the mix you have a few hours left.
  8. You need one more wrestler. If you don't get it in in time I'll give you the 8 seed at 141.
  9. You get one more pick, should have 11 in total.
  10. You get one more pick, should have 11 in total.
  11. You get one more pick. Should have 11 in total.
  12. Yes exactly this. My apologies, I could've been a little more clear but was typing quickly. Your team should have 11 wrestlers, your wildcard/dark horse must be unseeded and can be at any weight--so all teams will have 2 wrestlers in 1 weight class, and 1 in the other 9.
  13. If people are interested, and since I miraculously have a free weekend for the first time in ages, I'll run a CKLV fantasy pool. Here are the rules: 1) Select one wrestler per weight class (10 total) 2) Select one unseeded dark horse, at any weight class (1 total) 3) You can only select one wrestler per seed level (you can have one wrestler at each seed 1-10, no limit on lower seeded wrestlers) 4) Scoring will be based on team points 5) If one of your picks scratches, you will automatically get the wrestler that takes over their seed. 6) For this purpose, use pre-seeds for your selections. I don't want to force people to wait to make their picks. 7) Tie-breaker will be dark horse team points Paste your picks below, ideally in a format I can easily copy/paste. I'll put up $20 for the winner. $5 consolation for whoever's dark horse scores the most team points.
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