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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Article 7 of Hamas Charter, “the Prophet, Allah’s prayer and peace be upon him, says: “The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,’ except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews.”
  2. UB these are the types of posts you should refrain from because we have no idea what Israel's involvement was in the latest negotiations. It was Biden who announced it. Point, in a previous negotiation that Israel signed off on the Egyptian's secretly changed the terms and Israel then had to renege on it. I remember people blaming Bibi and then went silent after it was confirmed Egypt f'd it up
  3. I thought the trial was ridiculous from the onset. But, Trump is going around pointing the finger at everyone calling them losers, sleaze balls, dumb etc. You can't throw the gauntlet down and then call foul when you are the one looking for a fight
  4. Seems like Carter at 174 is a thing of the past. Seems like Carter to 197 is happening for various reasons. The logjam is adding up and I assume it's important they get either Barr or Ryder on the mat at 184 this year or an exodus to Stillwater starts looking more realistic
  5. Solid points but you can't say Trump didn't bring this on himself. When your platform is everyone who isn't with me is my enemy you'll only embolden the resolve of your opponents to come after you.
  6. You can argue the era of "big government" began in the early 20th century with Teddy Roosevelt who was a staunch Republican. Others like to argue it was Alexander Hamilton and Abe Lincoln who laid the groundworks for "big government". And then there's Thomas Jefferson himself (the small government guy) who many claim expanded the power of the presidency (centralizing the government) with the Louisiana Purchase
  7. At their college primes I'll take a healthy Cael over a sucked down Kyle who's about to succumb to organ failure.
  8. Democrats are running a campaign par for the course. Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm assuming this thread has to do with the Stormy Daniels case. A) Most Dem & Rep operatives are on the record saying they doubt this verdict moves the needle. Most likely outcome is Probation and maybe community service as some form of public embarrassment B) It's possible we see some poll movement one way or the other these upcoming weeks but it will just move back to where we are pre conviction C) Trump has held a lead so far throughout most of the election cycle and Dems have acknowledged it (this excludes typical campaign cheerleading) D) Trump's character is baked into the voter consciousness and it would take a lot more than paying off a porn star to do damage to his voter base E) Could this have the Clinton effect (Bill/Monica)? Most likely no unless the economy or some international crisis takes a turn for the worse and even more voters blame Biden
  9. He campaigned to take on Donald Trump leading up to his election into office.
  10. Don't believe that was Bigbrogs point. All of my friends that are ardent Trump haters see this trial as politically motivated and fear it furthers his victim narrative. Bragg ran on a campaign to go after Trump and convict him
  11. It's bizarre. Even myself who thinks this trial is nonsense I've seen nothing indicating there is a plot by the judge to coerce the jury.
  12. I was under the assumption that in any high profile or lengthy trial having alternate jurors at hand is the norm. Never heard of a juror being replaced during deliberation solely to get a certain outcome. Seems this is qanon level conspiracy nonsense.
  13. Yes with the skill set Mocco had during his era he would've wiped the floor with them. Which leads to the next issue and that is if Jackson and Taylor grew up during the same era with Mocco does that statement hold true.given that they could've had the same access to youth programs like Mocco did. It's why these rankings are always a pain in the arse
  14. That's why these list are hard to do. On one hand you rank based on who the competitor wrestled during their era. On the other hand someone like Mocco would wipe the floor against Jimmy Jackson or Chris Taylor. Classic Babe Ruth problem
  15. That skinny punk was a junior gold medalist in Greco and Freestyle. Set a NCAA record of 122 consecutive wins and has a win over Kurt Angle
  16. My bet would be on a hung jury. @VakAttack you thinking the same? Most plausible?
  17. Your banana is a sly way of @BobDole showing that he owns you. Dole controls the banana market.
  18. A) not a fan of AJ B) although unlikely there's a chance he wrestle for the Hawks next year
  19. Okie State w/Hendrickson, Plott, Hamiti, and supporting cast bests tOSU and Iowa. AJ coming onboard at 197 would change things
  20. Curious between the two (Carroll/Merrill) which one will have to suck down to '97 to stay in the lineup moving forward after the '24 season.
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