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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. A lot of wrestlers tonight didn't pace themselves. Adrenaline dump is a real thing.
  2. Jimmy's going to make a thread about it
  3. Oh snap! All these years I've been calling Gabe Max
  4. I don't think SVN has sprawled once this entire season
  5. McGee emptied the gas tank before OT. Hell of an effort
  6. Both are deserving
  7. Carr if he wins
  8. It was on the live telecast. Video from the same angle of the ref. Haines bridged and posted his elbow keeping his right shoulder off the mat. I'm sure it will be easy to find after this weekend but I'll check if I can go on my youtubeTV account and rewind the event.
  9. They already showed a north south replay. He was never pinned
  10. When did Allirez become vastly superior to Bartlett? I guess I missed the memo. And Kerk is a favorite over Hendrickson.
  11. Bottom man deserves a point for working out from bottom. Takedowns and reversals should be 3 points
  12. I know. Just a bummer how brackets can break on the backside
  13. On the back side Kennedy Vs Ramirez then winner gets Griffith. 2 won't AA. Wish they could reseed the brackets.
  14. I said anyone who is claiming Haines was pinned is inventing conspiracies. That is correct
  15. Hamiti getting Amine'd
  16. @skandar can't. They showed the replay. Shoulders never touched. Just let them Alex Jones it
  17. Did you not read my original response to you? I agreed it was called too quickly
  18. Yes, he also posted his right elbow. But all the cry babies on here are going to come up with all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories. Its comical
  19. Because I saw the replay? His right elbow was posted on the mat. His shoulder never touched. You're just a PSU hater I guess
  20. No he wasn't. They showed the replay. Don't be salty
  21. The pin was called quickly for Haines. Also, they showed the replay from the 1st period. Haines' right shoulder never touched the mat.
  22. Cassioppi Schultz is on the must watch list
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