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  2. I'm not sure all discussion is hate. I consider myself a Goodale fan but he has supporters that jump to interupt any discussion about the program that isn't entirely positive. I think good fan discussion takes place somewhere between the cheerleaders and the haters. Losing Pritzlaff was a big blow. His arrival marked the start of some post season success for a team that struggled there. I think fans are eager to see a replacement that can help continue that success. Some fans of course want a lot more and others have their loyalties while demanding very little. I think most are watching this closely and hoping for the best.
  3. You can't make this stuff up. His case is "thrown out" by a judge that he appointed. It will certainly get appealed & reversed by any even somewhat neutral/objective judges.
  4. It would be interesting to see his email/text threads.
  5. I too am shook by the Goodale hate here. They have fans, results, and recruits. unless they’re looking to catch Penn State immediately (I.e. pour millions into big name coaching and NIL), I’d say they’re looking great.
  6. Show me where I said Biden won’t get pardoned. I’ll wait.
  7. Not trying to get into this squabble but that is not what Jimmy said.
  8. I thought they said he had zero social media accounts?
  9. Today
  10. My guy you literally typed out and posted that trump will get pardoned but Biden will not. What are you on about?
  11. Neither are going to jail even though the both committed the same mistake. Pretty simple. If you’re not S. L. O. W.
  12. Don’t think the really even need too you can see everything he believes in his twitter but sure hope so
  13. So in this situation you yourself made up trump and Biden did the same thing but Biden goes to jail? The mental gymnastics is crazy
  14. Exactly. They’re both guilty. You can be thankful for the SC when Trump pardons himself after he’s elected. Remember after he does he won’t be a criminal. The same as Biden.
  15. You mean like when he returned them compared to trump hid them in a bathroom people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
  16. Take your L and run along. Smith is the problem. Sorry it’s that hard for you. I blame too much time standing in the free cheese line.
  17. Yet he committed a crime. You asked me what crime he committed. Not if he’s a criminal.
  18. You have no idea what you are talking about and lack reading comprehension i blame lead poisoning
  19. Well good news the SC rules presidents have immunity especially in this specific example so he’s not a criminal
  20. When he had documents in his garage unattended that his criminal son had access to.
  21. It means there were plenty of other judges that could have been appointed and it would have been just fine.
  22. The type of prosecutor with the power he has.
  23. she ruled it unconstitutional because she says the AG can’t appoint special counsels even though that’s been happening for 30 years she ruled that the no statute grants an attorney general authority to appoint a federal officer with the kind of prosecution nail power wielded by special council smith. where is the difference in our 2 statements? What is so different that what you said is nothing close to what i said?
  24. The witch hunt was handled poorly. This was probably the case they had the best chance of nailing him on. Sucks to suck.
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