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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Insanity is Marxism, socialism, communism and progressivism. People leave those places in droves to come here for a reason. It doesn’t work. Never has never will.
  2. Our constitution is scripture. Sorry comrade
  3. Yes we are an outlier. Which is Exactly why people want to come here in masses. Obviously the outlier is popular for a reason.
  4. It’s a bad idea to you. A wokester.
  5. Because it’s part of the checks and balances our founding fathers created to ensure the minority always has a say. Who cares about the popular vote as were a Republic for a reason.
  6. 10 AA’s and a Natty is pretty good too. See Minnesota
  7. 125 - Mich 3 133 - Mich 3 141 - Mich 3 149 - Neb 3 157 - Neb 3 165 - Mich 3 174 - Mich 3 184 - Neb 3 197 - Neb 3 HWT - Mich 3 Michigan 18 Nebraska 12
  8. Europe is already studying the effects of wood burning stoves. State of Washington has to be on alert
  9. Won’t Washington be on the cutting edge of eliminating natural gas ?
  10. Because it’s still not good enough (as the frontline border patrol has stated) Biden COULD have had THIS and MORE done 2-3 years ago. GOP needs to get more.
  11. Political Person (president Biden) IS doing it for nothing more than political gain. I’d be sending people back
  12. If Biden cared about the border it would have been done already.
  13. And have for years.
  14. That Bidens doing it for political reasons only. Yep. I admit it.
  15. Bahhahahahahahahahha. Good one. You ought to learn to read.
  16. Bahahahahhahahah. Maybe. Bahahahhahahahahahhaha. Because he wouldn’t be trying now if Trump wasn’t going to use it as a platform.
  17. Why wasn’t this done in 2021 or 2022 when dems had total control? Why not support the border patrol then?
  18. President Trump?
  19. Nobody should be a lifer in that position. Serve your one or two terms and move on.
  20. Could be one of the above, all of the above or a combination of. From the outside where I sit it sure looks like coach Scott is making an impact
  21. 125 - Iowa 3 133 - PSU 3 141 - Iowa 3 149 - Iowa 3 157 - PSU 3 165 - Iowa 3 174 - PSU 4 184 - PSU 4 197 - PSU 3 HWT - PSU 4 PSU 21 Iowa 12
  22. Oklahoma St looks like a team that expects to win this year. Last year they looked like Mizzou did yesterday.
  23. It about the long term money they all make. Would limit it big time. Not to mention it’s the only way to drain the swamp and keep it drained.
  24. You can never top the original but that was pretty close
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