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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Which means what? Youre a cipher too. The part I quoted isn’t true????
  2. Mommy I’m scared of the guy that runs the wrestling site. He’s mean. Bahahhaahhahaahhahahahahhaahhahahah. Again…. pet your cat.
  3. He has zero influence over anything I do or say. None. You keep thinking that though.
  4. All I did was post an article with facts. Keep adding facts to my facts if you want. Oh and then keep ASSuming you know anything about what I would do.
  5. That job had to be something he really wanted to plow that big field.
  6. https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-economy-grew-in-2023-despite-war-and-sanctions/7478952.html#:~:text=The Russian economy is expected,by the International Monetary Fund. Outpacing the US and Europe and leading the charge to make the dollar far less relevant in the world. With chinas help just might be successful.
  7. Btw trump already had insulin at $35. Biden stopped it and then restarted it.
  8. Are you kidding????? We can’t take care of the people already here that are actual citizens. 7.3 million unlawful immigrants have entered the country under Biden. That’s more than the population of 36 states. He’s paying them money we don’t have to keep the economy “looking” better. He’s absolutely destroying this country
  9. Great dual. NC state looked good.
  10. It’s a balloon that’s not maneuverable and doesn’t pose a threat. Sounds exactly like a few months ago.
  11. Then we would never have known about it because it all would have been a coordinated exercise. This is obviously the same thing that caused all the commotion a while back. Please tell me you never held a relevant command position in our military.
  12. Did NORAD send a response team to see what it was???? Yes. Why would they if it was a US exercise?? They wouldn’t.
  13. Which is why NORAD wouldn’t respond if that’s what it was……….
  14. I’ll take things that NORAD doesn’t typically respond to for $500 Alex
  15. You examine the money (trail) he gave her to get the job. She was basically being paid to give him the job. With money and well you know (tail). Once you’ve established that the rest is all taint(ed).
  16. It’s starts the timeline on how long he may have been paying her (trips, meals etc…). Which led to him getting him a job that he really wasn’t qualified for.
  17. Where I come from lying under oath matters.
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/smallbusiness/california-s-gen-z-millennials-sour-on-benefits-of-migrants/vi-BB1iM8y7?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=5caae6b738d744de93fd83d70166824c&ei=20
  19. https://zankrank.com/m/Ranks/Default.aspx?cr=dumbest quotes by alexandria ocasio cortez shes brilliant for sure.
  20. https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/19/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-government-branches/ According to AOC our three chambers of government are the Presidency, Senate and the House. She’s cum lotta not cum laude
  21. It’s pretty simple. All the articles discuss either spots/playing time being taken away from biological females and/or how it’s less safe for biological females to be playing against trans females that were born male. Stuff that you’ve told me over and over doesn’t happen or exist.
  22. What do all those people have to do with AOC being an idiot????? Anybody that’s listened to her speak or has read what she puts on social media knows she’s a clown. The But mom…… she’s dumb too argument doesn’t help you much.
  23. https://torontosun.com/news/world/wisconsin-parents-fuming-after-trans-athlete-allegedly-gives-girls-welts-at-practice
  24. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/06/19/transgender-athletes-robbing-girls-chance-win-sports-column/4856486002/
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