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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Who’s lazy???? That’s you.
  2. I’ve never said anything about profits. You may want to try remember which person that is
  3. It’s called urban agriculture and it’s happening already.
  4. Right and wrong sounds like legal and illegal
  5. Kidnapped. Bahahhahahahahahahahahah. You have a ransom note too I bet.
  6. It is how it works. It’s all over the news if you choose to find it. And it’s now the minorities currently in those cities that are the ones complaining and wanting it to stop. Those are most likely on your side of the aisle.
  7. That’s why people are rowing their asses off to get away from Places like LA, NYC and San Francisco. California and New York are losing people in droves and have been for awhile now. California lost a seat in the house due to the population decrease sooooooo. They’re rowing all right.
  8. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it wasn’t Willie that was duped by this thread.
  9. If that was a maga guy he’d be in jail already.
  10. I can tell it’s hard for you being wrong all the time. You go on these mind boggling rants. Please. For your sake go see someone for help.
  11. Is climate change going to put snow plow drivers out of business??
  12. And you haven’t established they’re leaving. Cities like Denver, NYC, Chicago and states like Texas, AZ and California are all in crisis mode over how to handle the numbers. I think I’m safe in my assessment. For sure safer than you are.
  13. Defensive?? Haahahhahahahahah. How’s that kitty Cat of yours?
  14. But but but Canada has all those lovely programs you seem to think we should throw money at. Yet it has 1/10 the population the US has.
  15. I have sympathy for those here legally. Pretty simple.
  16. You have internet so no you’re not doing it yet.
  17. My financial advisor and I accounted for inflation. Just not Bidenflation. Nobody expected it to ever be that bad again. Thx Joe.
  18. Move to Canada where they have free everything. Bahahhahahaha
  19. Facts matter. To most of us.
  20. Many because they have to work multiple jobs to afford Bidenflation
  21. Accounting for inflation yes. Accounting for Bidenflation (the highest since Jimmy Carter) no.
  22. So you’re saying they’re sending them back ???
  23. Yep. That’s the part I found really interesting. The president and VP could be from different parties. In todays world that might not be a bad thing.
  24. So you’re saying they didn’t get the numbers from US customs and boarder patrol?
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