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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Doesn’t look ridiculously low to me.
  2. You’ve seen the list? Wow you must be important
  3. Pretty sure if there was hush money we’d know about. Just like with the hooker right?
  4. If trump thru money at it everyone would know.
  5. Maybe one, just one of the 29% will speak up against the terrorists huh?
  6. When police forces were added to and our prison population skyrocketed. Again when cops were added and the bad guys went to prison crime went down. Who would have thought??
  7. Don’t those things wreck crops? I’ll go with the lesser of the weevils too.
  8. I remember in the 90’s when we added significantly to our police forces and the populations of our prisons skyrocketed. It seems there was a direct correlation to adding cops and getting the bad guys off the streets. Either you or one of your libtardo alter egos keeps telling us that it’s not the 80’s/90’s anymore so stop comparing that era to the “modern” times we live in. That being said violent crime is still high and if you live anywhere near an inner city you’re not safe. Especially after dark.
  9. Imagine if we had candidates that didn’t lie to us. There aren’t any to vote for if that’s the standard. Then you’re right back to voting for the lesser of the evils.
  10. So guns should be left alone then. Facts over feelings right?????
  11. 3 for sure and probably 4 with Red Viking Putz. He try’s hard to make it look there are a bunch of libtards on here that think like him. Well they do, I guess since they are him.
  12. Ummmmm budgets go up every year because salary and the cost of benefits go up every year.
  13. You avoid more questions than anyone on here outside of TPT.
  14. It’s funny because when they had to remain in Mexico they were funded by the Mexican Government and not ours. In a round about way Trump did get Mexico to Pay.
  15. If there wasn’t incriminating information they wouldn’t have played the Russian disinformation card. Nobody is going to accept copies as evidence.
  16. So you’re saying the contents of the “actual” laptop are unverifiable and then in the same comment wondering why they didn’t release the “copies”. Holy shit you’re dumb. And I’ll bet you the actual laptop IS verifiable which is why it was purposely misplaced.
  17. I bet you do
  18. Yup. Tank is justified
  19. Because they’re copies.
  20. Could have all been done in Bidens first year when the Dems had control of the house, senate and Oval Office. Yet here we are in 2024with Biden doing it ONLY because Trump said he wanted to run on the border as his main platform.
  21. If only the border was secure
  22. Gee. If only the laptop didn’t get confiscated and lost.
  23. Why would anyone be dumb enough to release a list with the Clintons on it? Everyone knows what will happen.
  24. I’m guessing there’s more than one former President on the Epstein lists.
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