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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. The founding fathers created a Republic with the hope that government would/could/should never get too big. Dems want more and more government. Hmmmmmmmmmm
  2. So is your concern with sphincters and Vaseline
  3. But but but I’m done. Bahahahahahahahaha. You commie bastards can’t handle someone feeding you your lunch.
  4. I haven’t defended him as much as called you out for being the hypocritical Putz that you are.
  5. That’s usually what commie libatrd babies do. Run away. Bye Felicia. I couldn’t care less if you believe me but it’s true. Haven’t voted for the orange man. Yet.
  6. Any team from a red state. So, not Stanford or UCLA.
  7. They’re both anti American
  8. Sorry comrade. Haven’t voted for Trump. Even voted for Obama once. I will be voting for the person that has the best chance of beating your senile god Biden
  9. So you’re saying Biden is for leaving guns alone? And you are too? Cant wait for this answer.
  10. You mean a sentence that you think he deserves. You libtards are all the same. Hiding behind the word progressive still makes you a communist.
  11. Do any of those articles even show his post???? Even the CBS article you posted says parts of the constitution. Kinda like dems want to overturn some amendments. Shocking that you used articles from rags that lean far left. Take your commie glasses off for once.
  12. He didn’t call for termination of the entire constitution like you claim.
  13. She probably just understands the strategic importance of bringing a terrorist organization to its knees. But that’s jut my take.
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/protesting-is-a-pastime-for-the-wealthiest-most-privileged-students/ar-BB1nhW0u?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=85f621b0427e41fd826e0c7da1946d70&ei=54
  15. If Nikki wants to sign a bomb as her form of protesting the atrocities of Oct 7 shouldn’t she be able to? I’m mean all she did was make a sign.
  16. What proof do you have that he should stop copying you? Do you have facts that show he should is the source of those facts legitimate? is that just an opinion that he should stop? If so why? is it because you’re acknowledging that you do the same or just avoiding that you do? you taking the time to make that comment just sets everything back
  17. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/californias-20-fast-food-minimum-043059963.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFT_ewBheTdJGxQYNumCzgMcBNfDNiXDhWzIt-GGAdFoxvEILwJyDsZorfIe4Khi93qtIJkSx9CwX0DGq8ANv89W1usVMzw_H4o0Q-kLWaG1TaZRVpqVli5lTKShVItp7zHYhIH6bwbI0TjOlWrHiZdGOYOjMbIQS06wGIJft_I4
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/is-trump-guilty-or-not-acquitted-or-convicted-he-wins-no-matter-what/ar-BB1ngSJn?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=15a7a7f1b84c4a1c8c2e830ce0bf0a05&ei=10
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