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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Time for Damian Hahn to head back to gopher land.
  2. Lannisters always pay their debts
  3. Exactly as he wants it.
  4. He’s living rent free in a lot of heads on here.
  5. No kidding. Kinda of a gauntlet to begin the season. Should pay dividends later on
  6. Last yr he wrestled 40 matches. This year he’s wrestled 5 against d1 competition. He’ll get some this year against the lesser wrestlers that he faces but it won’t be many. Ly he didn’t get his first bonus victory until the week before xmas.
  7. Matches Franek scored bonus points in LY: (Used Wrestlestat rankings) #91, #166, #144, #134, #298, #171, #93, #46 The rest of Franeks matches LY: #4 L 7-4 #27 W 2-1 TB #43 W 6-3 #18 W 4-2 SV #17 W 4-1 #13 W 3-2 TB #43 W 3-2 #43 W 9-3 #24 W 3-1 SV #17 W 6-2 #23 W 3-2 #17 W 8-3 #14 W 5-3 #11 W 5-3 #3 L 5-2 #17 W 7-3 #10 W 3-2 #4 W 3-1 SV #3 L 8-0
  8. He’s had some this year too. All against far inferior opponents. Again, that’s who he is. Hes not great on top which limits the amount of turns he goes for or gets. Methodical, calculated, Picks and chooses his spots erroring on the side of caution
  9. Better get used to Franek wrestling that way. That’s who he is.
  10. Kid was a beast in HS. I hope he can do it. That being said let’s see him A.) get down to 285 and B.) maintain the stamina needed to be an impact HWT.
  11. You a Florida st football fan ?????
  12. You calling me clueless is a badge oh honor. You seem to have written the book on being clueless.
  13. Sure was nice if mr Kozak to come on here and politely give the reasons why he did what he did. Seems to have quieted the restless Tigerettes.
  14. Go ahead axe me a question
  15. Yes it really is.
  16. Unless you want to move ahead of them
  17. That makes Elam ducking Buchanan ok??? Oh and has brooks ever lost to beard??? I’m pretty sure Elam has lost to Buchanan
  18. But but but you’re the best and you can’t do it. Hahahahahahhaha
  19. Borelli could have easily said. Quite a bit of confusion in the rankings right now. I guess our guy is going to have to get to work to prove that one of the rankings is way off. Again. Simple way to handle something you don’t like.
  20. They dropped. Out of the playoffs.
  21. I have.
  22. Florida St just won a game to remain undefeated and dropped
  23. If he HAS done it a thousand times then he could EASILY have stated that in his comment.
  24. IMO Borelli and Pyles did the exact same thing. Made themselves look like babies looking for attention.
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