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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. I’m doing better than fine.
  2. Its American English. There are no concrete rules. We’ll do anything to shorten things up.
  3. Conjunction junction what’s your function? And But or OR will get you very far.
  4. Bullied. Bahahhahahahahahhaah. Pet your kitty.
  5. I love being stupider
  6. Duals is just short for dual meets. - / * were just left out
  7. I thought Reds was short for Red Stockings.
  8. Which means it can be both ???
  9. I’m pretty stupider but not more stupider than you.
  10. And it IS semantics
  11. Sure seems to be working though
  12. Isn’t it sematic(s)?
  13. I’m just trying to pick the brain of an elite mind
  14. Isn’t a noun a person, place or thing? That’s what school house rock said anyway.
  15. I’m enjoying the banter you invited me into.
  16. Maybe it just sounds better than ……. holiday dual meets or Virginia dual meets or ncwa national dual meets.
  17. Don’t u need a deadly weapon for a duel?
  18. Not surprised
  19. So why don’t you fix it ?? Come on baby Jesus
  20. So they’re all wrong then??
  21. So it’s not wrong then
  22. Who has duals ??? Always been dual meets where I’m from.
  23. Looks like he’s good enough to be the starter at 165 pounds for the elite program in college wrestling.
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