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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. I’m loving the heck out of my life. But ok mr sheeple
  2. Will do. And you keep commenting on them.
  3. Yep. U R correct and would know.
  4. Not with Russia. China for sure though.
  5. Neither confused nor brainwashed like you are
  6. Tell that to spell check mr grammEr nazi
  7. Yep. And long ass gas lines and hoarding.
  8. He created it to control the curriculum.
  9. IKR? Jimmy Carter was a piece of shit. Started the brainwashing
  10. Yep. He was Biden before Biden became Jimmy2.0.
  11. Thought about by you?
  12. I’m pretty sure Jimmy Carter created the dept of education.
  13. Yep. Grammar Nazis are everywhere
  14. Taxes. 46% pay zero income tax now and it’s only going to get worse.
  15. Pick something the government runs efficiently and effectively.
  16. Ohhhh. Ouch. Probably won’t sleep 2night
  17. Too. Much. Government.
  18. School wasn’t expensive then like it is now.
  19. You’re education obviously didn’t help you much with comprehension. Brainwashing and stupidity.
  20. The United States is the ONLY civilized country on the planet that doesn’t require a valid ID to vote. Ever wonder why????
  21. If Republicans are smart (they’re not) they’ll learn very quickly how to “ballot harvest” like the democrats do.
  22. Worse no. Brainwashed and stupid compared to the past. Yep.
  23. There’s no denying it. Once the gov got involved our scores have deteriorated. We were once the envy of the world and now were just stupid people.
  24. Sounds like the previous NY governor. It’s a NY thing.
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