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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Maybe Brands has HEW
  2. BiG 12 should help toughen them up
  3. I think you’re more AwOKE now though.
  4. You’re awake now? Couldn’t tell
  5. So when it happens and it kills the two party system you’ll take blame for voting for him. Good.
  6. You sound just like Jake Tapper
  7. So when Biden grants every illegal immigrant citizenship you’ll be be in line with his decision?
  8. I tried but I still can’t garner the hate that “that” Jimmy gets.
  9. Btw, What is your respective media ??????? Has to be the C hinese N ews N etwork.
  10. Your first paragraph says enough about you that there’s no need to flood you with anything. It’s nothing more than an opinion and a terrible one at that.
  11. Your choices were almost as bad as our choices for President are now . It just amazes me what we end up with for choices.
  12. I have voted Dem in the past. Even once for Obama. Never again. This country will never recover if Biden has four more years.
  13. A bad as Biden has been its nothing compared to what he’ll be like as a lame duck President.
  14. I haven’t voted for trump in the past. Him vs Biden in 2024. That changes.
  15. Whomever the candidate on the right is will be better than Biden
  16. You never did tell me if your name the snow plow submission won or not.
  17. You go talk to your niece sounds like it happens regularly
  18. Btw 33% of the 1950 miles is already complete with a pedestrian wall. More if you count vehicle walls. Trump added/replaced about 300 miles. With approx 1300 miles to go had we kept going. Well you do the math
  19. Says the guy bringing his teenage niece into the conversation.
  20. Oh and I’m Sorry you’re too stupid to see the point
  21. Your niece. Interesting you’d bring up a girl in her teens to make a point.
  22. Gee if only the US had better resources than Egypt
  23. Look who’s back. The talk all about how it should be but do nothing non rich whiner
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