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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. You’re the one that said you’re non rich. I asked you to define non rich. I’ll wait.
  2. Everyone of your answers is an opinion. You prove nothing.
  3. IMO it’s one of the enablers. An important one, yes, but I’ve met and worked with a lot of straight A stupid people. Smart as f”’k but no common sense or work ethic.
  4. Needed informed? Sounds like you hit it early today
  5. I like that though. You don’t HAVE to have gods gift to make more money.
  6. Not sure who “we” is but that’s not what I call it.
  7. You still haven’t told me why you can’t afford it
  8. Every unlawful immigrant in this country right now is where it’s happening.
  9. First you say theyre too low. Then you say you’d pay more if you could but you can’t. If the government raised them higher like you want wouldn’t you have to figure out how to pay it??? Just pretend the gov raised your taxes.
  10. Because almost half of all Americans eligible to pay federal income tax don’t pay any. That means the other half is paying for it out of their taxes.
  11. What’s your definition of a non rich person? And what’s stopping you from being a rich person?????
  12. All those people in worse places than you. Taxes too low.
  13. Because way too much money goes to things people want.
  14. Most people could figure out what I meant from that. Taxes are too high.
  15. Lol. I’ve had people on here tell me they’re too low. Then I ask what’s stopping them from paying more than they have to. Crickets.
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