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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Ya. Let’s play on the thread I created mr hypocrite. Bahahhahahahha
  2. But but but Florida has no sanctuary cities. Shouldn’t you be setting up shop somewhere that the opportunity for “everyone” is a top priority????
  3. How many laws and rules don’t impact humanity? Want the opportunity come here legally and use the process to become a citizen.
  4. Join the flock?? You lead the flock in making shit up
  5. If you’re expecting someone else to support you with their wealth yes.
  6. You believe in follow the law and follow the rules unless it doesn’t fit your narrative. Got it.
  7. 7. Don’t penalize people for getting to step 6. Learn from them.
  8. Could sure help a lot of “Non Rich” people with $151 Billion
  9. When I end up in that group I’m pretty sure you won’t have to worry about me sticking around just for the emojis
  10. Even the sanctuary cities are crying “no mas”
  11. Theres another one that just lingers behind the scenes with his emojis. He just gives hearts to the libtards and laughs at all others.
  12. If they wrestle starting at 125 and the match is out of reach either way when it gets to HWT then I don’t see it happening. If the match is on the line then I’d say Ben goes.
  13. Agreed. The decisions CEOs make today are for 10-15 years down the road to ensure viability. If you don’t have a quality person in that role chances a pretty that failure, layoffs, plant closings, bankruptcy are in your future. The good ones are worth every penny.
  14. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers-2023
  15. And Jimmy is young and retired. No shop to worry about.
  16. Bullshit I never asked. I asked more than once. You chose to ignore it.
  17. Do you have any proof that I don’t? The last three hours while you were here dribbling your partisan liberal views I was actually at the local homeless shelter feeding people. On my own time. By my own decision. You don’t know shi$ about fu$k there jr. PS: there are nine pretty regular volunteers at the homeless shelter. 8 of them are conservatives. All you liberal schmucks do is talk about what should be done while doing nothing.
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