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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. Now we need all 4 of those teams to get their wrestling programs going!
  2. 10 days from a bunch of great wrestlers fighting. Hope they all win!
  3. Good lord lol. I hope he still gets a chance to wrestle.
  4. Walsh went div 2 at some point in the late 90s didn't they? I remember them beating St Ed's every year back in the day.
  5. I won 4 state titles in highschool. Career record of 180-0. Teched and pinned every opponent. Then I woke up....
  6. The Mayor deserved that.
  7. Beautiful yes, but a bigger shithole than Columbus Ohio for sure. Lived in Fort Collins for 2 years, moved back 2 years ago.
  8. Just look at all the businesses moving out of certain areas.
  9. I'll be looking forward to this one!
  10. It's possible.
  11. I wonder how Adam Coon would do in Sumo?
  12. Bo by quick TKO!!
  13. https://twitter.com/_wrestlersgrind/status/1677092314840276992?t=-QnDZ0c369VKuj1YzpWPVw&s=19 He's a short guy
  14. Well that was quick! Val Woodburn is the replacement fighter. An undefeated champion from a smaller promotion making his UFC debut.
  15. UFC currently looking for a replacement. I'd fight him, but I'm 41 with no cardio and can't make the weight. Plus I don't want my head ripped off... Any takers??
  16. Can Anybody tell me how Sasso, Karchula and Mendez ended up? Just got off work! Lol. Would appreciate it...
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