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Everything posted by pokemonster

  1. Are they legal retaliatory tactics, i.e. defamation / libel lawsuit?
  2. Same... He doesn't seem to understand that consent cannot be given when there's a power imbalance such as one that is blatantly apparent in a coach - athlete situation. I'm on board with you.
  3. Lol, I saw that too. Buddy is digging himself a pretty big hole in that argument...
  4. Any idea on if Hepner beats Paddy? They went to high school together, so I'm guessing there's a lot of familiarity.
  5. I was wondering if his issues were related to his injury... Sounds like it was. Hope he's able to heal up and get back on the path he was on in years past.
  6. FWIW, Pyles addressed the streaming issues to start FRL today. He apologized, said it was unacceptable, and that the higher ups are prepared to fix it. Not that we haven't heard that before... but better than nothing I suppose.
  7. Probably the right decision given the details discussed there... There's an open thread on the Iowa forums discussing it if people still want to have at it.
  8. Couldn't watch, lmao. What is Ram of the east?
  9. That's a great way to make sure nobody answers your calls for interviews again in the future, lol.
  10. I wonder why Slay convinced him out of leaving his shoes on the mat. Not that I think he should've, cuz I love me some JB, but it should be his decision to make.
  11. Dude's a complete clown with his religion comments. His underhooks come from God yet Yazdani's are from a club coach or friend...? His delusion is real - why would any God have such a vested interest in making sure Mr Aaron Brooks wins wrestling matches?
  12. Lots of Cleveland union men in my family as well! Still rooting for him to turn the corner.
  13. No question about that. So, just not adapting well to college and others are passing him by.
  14. Definitely a bit of a bummer to watch as an Eds and tOSU fan. #1 overall recruit and he's losing to backups. Anybody know what's up with him?
  15. Mendez? I said hopefully he continues to develop. Not that he has regressed or sucks.
  16. Hopefully he continues to develop and doesn't follow the Kharchla path. I believe he was a top 5 recruit and looks to have just gotten worse, even in freestyle unfortunately. Any idea how Paddy G and the rest are progressing?
  17. Guessing he's referring to losing to Dieringer and others of similar build. It's valid.
  18. https://twitter.com/matscouts1/status/1653373253979701248?s=46&t=uwstl0rJBRPhNsmrVXZ5Yg Willie reporting two more leaving the OU program and they're pivoting away from Heflin. What a cluster f****.
  19. At this point, it's just semantics over the definition of charisma. He isn't charismatic in the traditional sense i.e. outspoken, infectious and amiable personality, etc , but if you take the definition of his ability to inspire others through some compelling charm, then I agree he fits that description.
  20. I'd have to agree with scorenomore here based on all accounts of Cael... Charismatic just isn't the word. He's more of a lead-by-example, quiet determination that commands respect and admiration from everyone he's around. He genuinely cares for his athletes and he's able to build strong connections because of it. I don't think he's the traditional charismatic leader.
  21. For vaping? Who gives a flying f?
  22. Great points by both... Haven't thought about that but makes perfect sense.
  23. I never did get why Spencer focused all of his efforts on NCAA wrestling over the years. He even said in his Barstool interview that freestyle is what he likes, yet he sat out every single freestyle tourney because he was saving it for NCAAs and the Hawkeyes. Such a bummer.
  24. Agreed. Love listening to him talk wrestling, but he's got a lot of hot takes on the world in general. Pretty sure he even has his own crypto podcast. As far as being half in the bag, pretty sure Ben's as straight edge as they get. I recall hearing him say he's never even drank. On the coaching front, I think he'd be great aside from the fact he'd have to adhere to strict guidelines from a university. Keep his ego in check to please ADs and whatnot. I don't think he likes to conform and would peace out. Anybody know why he abruptly left the Wisconsin RTC coaching position?
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