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Le duke

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Everything posted by Le duke

  1. I believe he was working at Jackie O’s in Athens at the time. Not sure if that was a seasonal thing or not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Pretty sure Woods got his degree from Stanford before leaving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Uh, do you know what SF (and to a lesser extent, CIA) do for a living? Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn’t, at all, and bites us in the ass. Do you know how many CIA/SF-trained organizations we’ve ended up fighting over the years? How many of them are classified as terrorist organizations now? Are you familiar with the School of the Americas? AKA, Georgia School for Dictators? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Are they going to turn halal MREs into 7.62x39 rounds? If so, I would like to know where to acquire that skill, too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. This is like people who claim “Biden gave Iran six billion dollars! They attacked Israel with it!”. Well, no, we released six billion dollars of Iran’s own money to a fund, held in Qatar, and administered by the US Department of the Treasury, that allows them to purchase humanitarian aid supplies as approved by the US. Which, to date, has had $0.00 withdrawn from it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If they try to show up in their tanks as promised, there won’t be any Russian athletes, in any sport, in Paris. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. One of my best friends is a beer brewer for a decently sized craft operation in Ohio. He had a habanero vanilla stout that sounded vile but was actually great. The pepper made the beer heat up your mouth and throat like whiskey does. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I used to work for one of the prominent soybean breeders in the US. My roommate’s dad was a pretty well known wheat breeder. IP deal with Quaker. The answer: you take a flower from one plant and mash it into the flower, still on the stem, of another plant. Then you out a tiny little bag around it and mark it with a label, indicating “AB * XY” cross. Seeds result. You plant them, grow them out and take a DNA sample to verify they’re what you wanted. Cross them with each other, multiple generations, and eventually you have enough seed to sell. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Well, he IS the guy who said, “Alex Jones was right about so much.” Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Irony: The “Brain” calls a “helpful” media source that he used on this very page of this topic “fake news”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Where do you actually find this stuff on Track?
  12. The problem with modern media is that they HAVE to get the story out, or they lose clicks. Al Jazeera, for example, changed their headline this morning. Ironically, by taking so long, they let unrest in their largest market fester, burn and explode overnight. Even the URL on the home page is, uh, not the best: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/10/17/israel-hamas-war-live-anger-after-israeli-strike-kills-500-in-hospital?update=2418022 Also, given how often you parrot talking points that you get from Twitter (!), you really shouldn't be talking.
  13. Watching the video of the event from different angles, I'm confused as to how a bomb created that much fire. Having seen a good number of bomb detonations, in person, they don't do that. That looks like secondary explosions from something else.
  14. A misfire that lands on an ammo dump or any other myriad things?
  15. What is your problem with that? They updated their story and headline as more information came out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I don't think he was in the top 25 for his HS class, so I'm guessing the answer is never.
  17. Per Iowa fans, the middle Ferrari will be going down to 149 and immediately be a title threat. I wish I was kidding.
  18. I wouldn't be so sure about that.
  19. Imagine thinking being called ignorant is the same as being insulted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Who do you think is “behind” this? Do you think it’s some grand conspiracy? Do you think we’re all frantically DMing each other talking points? That the silent hand is controlling all of us? Notice how no one, at all, is agreeing with you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Can you take the SA apologist stuff elsewhere? The entire board thinks you’re a scumbag. Like, everyone. Lots of people who disagree with each vehemently about on many issues think you’re a vile human being. Please, just stop. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. To quote Sesame Street: All children deserve a safe childhood free from violence and terror. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Punctuation matters. His statement, as written, had a pretty negative connotation. To me, at least. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Are you drunk? David Byrd? From Tango & Cash? Or, is this clown trying and failing to reference Robert Byrd? The US Senator from West Virginia? The one time Klan leader who had a “come to Jesus” moment, changed just about everything he once believed in, and received the highest possible rating from the NAACP? The guy who was eulogize as a champion of civil rights, upon his death, by the NAACP? https://web.archive.org/web/20100707183755/http://www.naacp.org/press/entry/naacp-mourns-the-passing-of-u.s.-senator-robert-byrd/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. That's a really shitty thing to say to a kid that you purportedly wanted on your team.
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