I clearly said USADA. USADA is responsible for administering WADA code in the US, to US athletes. They cite WADA in the article. Here: We have seen an increase in inquires at USADA about the use of Intravenous (IV) Infusions for this purpose, and would like to assist athletes and medical personnel by offering education. In accordance with the WADA Prohibited List (Category M2 Chemical and Physical Manipulation), all IV infusions and/or injections of more than 100mL (~6.8 tablespoons) per 12 hour period are prohibited, except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital admissions, surgical procedures or clinical investigations. Further down: Some reports suggest that administration of IV infusions, including dietary supplement and vitamin cocktails, are being provided to athletes for recuperation, recovery or lifestyle reasons. This medical practice is prohibited at all times without prior TUE approval. WADA has justified the inclusion of IV infusions on the Prohibited List given the intent of some athletes to manipulate their plasma volume levels in order to mask the use of a prohibited substance and/or to distort the values in the Athlete Biological Passport. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk