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  1. who knows if he'd even be a good coach. not all of the greats are, because the things they do so naturally are impossible to teach. i'll tell you one thing he probably doesn't want: to get kicked in the face.
  2. this is such standard athlete-speak that it's not even worth quoting, much less getting upset about. it's white noise. empty calories. give that interview some steroids is what i'm sayinig
  3. all i'm saying is that yianni said the same thing but i don't think cornell was going to ask him to cut no matter what the lineup looked like. people say this like it's a bad thing but i don't think it is at all.
  4. i hope once you go back to back you have a little more say in your weight. let the team warp around you a little.
  5. re: Cornell, Joy and Cerchio are coming off of greyshirt. Joy probably has to beat out Cornella at 141 (I hope Cornella is back, anyway) and/or Fernandez at 149. If he doesn't/can't get into the starting lineup he's probably not an impact freshman. Cerchio almost certainly slots in for Ramirez at 165. I'd be pretty surprised if Knox, Perentin, Elijah D. the Cortezes, DeJesus, Correa and Dellagatta didn't all greyshirt this year. The big hole in the lineup is 184 and I don't see anyone on that list (or even coming off of greyshirt) who fits the bill.
  6. according to the coach, he's stepped away from wrestling
  7. Marinelli WAS a hammer! He never stood at the top of the stairs but come on the bar can't be that high.
  8. As Ono said on TRL nothing is certain until he gets his visa. With current processing times he should be in Pennsylvania in 2028.
  9. no additional insight; i've only heard the same scuttlebutt as you. maybe they pull his shirt if Greg D. is hurt or if Milani underperforms, but all indications are that they are giving the incoming class another year, including Knox. The assault charges in NJ, to the extent they are still live by the fall, also counsel against jumping straight into the lineup.
  10. Fernandez is listed on the Cornell Athletics website as a senior but that's because someone in Ithaca screwed up two years ago. Before his second year the roster listed him as a junior, so this year he was listed as a senior.
  11. Elijah took bronze at U17 last year, got surgery on a torn labrum (surgery is a family tradition) then took his senior year off from competition to recover.
  12. My guess is the summer. He said in a Flo video that he was recruited by Penn State but he didn't want to cut and (in not so many words) work that hard lol. My lineup: 125: Greg D. (Milani if Greg D. is hurt) 133: Ferrara (he was better than Ungar at 133, unless Ungar grows into the weight over the summer) 141: Cornella (Saunders if Cornella is hurt) 149: Fernandez/Joy, depending on wrestleoff 157: Shapiro 165: Cerchio 174: Ruiz 184: Hansen? Matt Furman? Transfer? 197: Dellagatta 285: Davis 184 is a gap in the lineup and might be for a bit unless Ruiz grows into it. 285 gets interesting the following year when Big Delly gets off of greyshirt.
  13. Neither Saunders nor Greg D. were part of the Senior Night class honorees, so I assume they both still have Ivy eligibility left. They might have to do what Ramirez and Foca did and take the fall semester off before returning to the roster after the semester break. I don't know what Saunders' situation on the roster would be if Cornella is back from injury, so I could see him in the portal. Greg D.? I don't see it; his older brother is coaching and his younger brother is going to be a greyshirt in Ithaca next year. If Greg is healthy, he's our 125 next year while we wait for Knox to finish his greyshirt (and community service.)
  14. not my problem! i'm a cornell guy suggesting that shapiro wasn't whining about his specific loss or casting specific aspersions. i think the kasak accusers and the kasak defenders had pre-existing beliefs that they are happy to have a reason to air out.
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