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  1. In-season tournaments allow injured starters to build up their resumes for RPI, among other things. Also, anyone arguing in favor of "less wrestling" is probably doing it out of parochial interest or in reaction to a recent event. There is no way to fully prevent tactical ducking.* Getting rid of in-season tournaments is bad for the sport. * Cards on the table, I advocated that Cornell want to leave Shapiro at home for today's dual against Arizona State because going to the in-season tournament at Lock Haven tomorrow is the only way I can see him getting 15 matches before NCAA seeding.* Finishing the season with 14 matches and no RPI is an annoying way to have to battle through 3-2-1 starting in the quarters. Same situation as Vito last year. He would have had 14 matches, but he lost in the semis to. The loss probably had the same effect as no RPI, putting him at 6. Of course, that ended up not being a problem. * unless he loses in the ILT semi, in which case he's not in the running for a top-3 seed anyway.
  2. The one thing I expected when I poked my head back in here was someone commenting on LIU's Anthony Ferrari stalling out in his first official season. 2-1 with close wins against an F&M starter with a losing record and a Clarion backup before losing to Kyle Mosher, a fringe NQ.
  3. fyi defector is the site that was founded by the deadspin staff who quit deadspin after a venture capital firm bought the site and told the writers to be less interesting.
  4. You know, I was thinking yesterday: do you think that maybe he feels better about 5th than all the 4ths? His tournament record is the same but instead of closing the tournament Win/Loss, he finishes on the high note of a win. They say that the bronze medalist always seems happier than silver.
  5. especially because he's on record that he doesn't like to cut. whether he would go 149 or 157 was an open question in the preseason.
  6. I wish Lewan all the best in life but i have never enjoyed watching a successful wrestler less than i did watching any match of his.
  7. Jacob Cardenas has finished his Ivy eligibility because he didn't slow down his academic progress during the COVID years to wrestle. I wonder if he'll rejoin Koll.
  8. all kidding aside, these two guys are going to go at it for two more years and you love to see it.
  9. he wrestled two extra matches but they were worth half as much!
  10. See you in the third place match if you make it. I feel good about Shapiro's chances.
  11. srsly
  12. Thought the stall call against Shapiro in the third period against Cardenas was incredibly premature. It cost him, in the end because with a 3-1 lead and Cardenas holding RT a second stall call would lead to OT. Shapiro's attempt at a shot led to the go-behind that gave Cardenas the win. I think he survives getting his bell rung if he doesn't have the stall looming over him. (Especially when Cardenas spent the entire second period just laying on top of him without trying to turn or getting a stall on top though that also would have been a tetchy stall call).
  13. Checking myself: 125: Poulin (20) v Smith (15) 141: Edmond (21) v Vombaur (28) 174: Simma (28) v Pasiuk (18) I think that's it.
  14. Any matches with a guaranteed surprise AA? Like, neither guy in the top 12?
  15. Foca's first round loss was a nightmare. Looked like he lost track of the clock and got taken down with one second left by F&M's Conway. In the consys he went 15-0 Tech, 16-1 Tech (in 90 seconds against Ayzerov who beat him at CKLV, the Columbia dual and EIWAs) and 11-3 major over Bullock. Looking really good heading into his blood round match against Stewart Jr.
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