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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. I don’t know the right buzz word. Cheese? Cringe? Gym Tan Laundry? I was also expecting worse for some reason. Which says something.
  2. Huge change. I mean it won’t impact any match whatsoever but it will: 1. give commentators one more thing to get wrong every match. 2. give posters here one more thing to comment on every time it isn’t stated correctly. Damn these announcers are bad on ESPN+/flo bla bla. 3. give casual fans one more reason to think damn this is confusing.
  3. Fix wins it but pops for peds in random test afterwards and gives the title away. Keeps the streak of no titles for fix alive.
  4. Nebby crowd comes to life finally for the dual. and then hill gets the victory.
  5. Parts of this era are balls. Yes. I would like to argue but I can’t lol
  6. And the major !
  7. Question is. When Iowa seals the dual at 197 do you see Big Ben ?
  8. That’s only stalling backing out there if your Iowa
  9. Edit out where to watch that documentary for a commercial lol
  10. Boom. Big win
  11. Announcers shouldn’t go over the recent history of the competitors they are speaking about. I mean the fans that don’t read this board 500 times a day don’t need to know what tourneys they participated in or how they did. it’s how you grow the sport.
  12. Re legislating stalling every year in a row makes the stalling rules complicated. Soon will be more complicated than the tax code lol
  13. Ya I may have yelled that at the tv too lol
  14. Maybe. World was supposed to end in Chicago but didn’t. Not sure what Nebraska got hit with
  15. Kind of an awful stall call there on Ayala ?
  16. Attendance should be better.
  17. I mean when brooks ducked beard he was preparing for the us open or something right? Or maybe they wanted to be nice to beard and let him get a participation trophy at rec hall……
  18. Took me a sec to figure out what those real weird non chess notation characters were in the paste. They’re the logos from the pieces lol.
  19. It was impressive. Not diminishing it but if you play chess I don’t think it’s all that remarkable to have noticed…..: Now to be able to understand who is winning why or what moves are good or bad. Different story lol. I sure can’t keep up with magnus brain or whatever super GM he is beating in that game. this is the game: https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1820407
  20. Nothing. Just posting Cinnabon nonsense. It’s a magnus Carlson match fwiw. The spacing sucks on the copy and paste though.
  21. A couple of days ago. Aj posted this on his Facebook page. The video essentially says Iowa cheated to get their stall call for ot and Ferrari was attacked and did nothing wrong but defend himself. Seems like Aj has a lot of remorse here. I really hope Iowa doesn’t take him.
  22. Should put a * for the year he got caught cheating.
  23. 1.d4Nf62.c4e63.Nf3b64.Nc3Bb75.a3d56.Bf4Nbd77.Nb5Rc88.Nxa7Ra89.Nb5Rc810.Rc1Nh511.Bxc7Rxc712.Nxc7+Qxc713.cxd5Qd814.dxe6fxe615.Qb3Bd516.Qa4Be717.Ne5Bf618.e4Bxe519.dxe5Bb720.Bb5Ke721.Rd1Bc822.Qb4+Kf723.Qd6Ke824.Qxe6+Qe725.Qd6Qxd626.Rxd6Ke727.Bxd7Bxd728.g3Rc829.O-Ob530.f3Rc531.Rfd1Be632.f4Rc233.R1d2Rc734.Rb6Bc435.a4bxa436.Rc2Kd737.Rd6+Kc838.e6Nf639.e7Bf740.Rd8+Kb741.Rxc7+Kxc742.e5Ne843.e6 1-0
  24. There are 50 million posts about how the brands bros are the second coming of atilla the hun….. how did this guy get DQ’ed 5/6 times and fly under the radar? Puts certain things in perspective. Has it always been the same coach????
  25. He will ruin the Iowa program in the short term. Please don’t take him I also don’t know if I can take a full 3 years of the tolls and the general peanut gallery. It will be endless nonsense.
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