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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. They also do a mean combo. Sausage over charcoal too. The original on Harlem and north is fantastic too. (Not super close to midlands). #1 beef in the universe.
  2. If your in the area at midlands. Eat here. Thank me later. Chicago’s famous beef sandwich. I order it juicy (dipped) with both sweet and hot peppers. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028989626506
  3. What big time tourney has PSU entered this holiday season?
  4. Cam McCormick granted a 9th year of eligibility to play ncaa football. Without an Olympic redshirt year
  5. I didn’t wanna go into it on this thread. Don’t know why I didn’t want to comment…… but head coaches are going to have to try to protect their turf more. If I could prevent someone competing for a competitor especially if I’ve been losing players. I just think either new rules will occur or head coach (if possible) will veto. I’m aware his situation isn’t nil literally. But we have like what 16 pages of complaining on that thread. Wait till the Wild West of transfers start.
  6. Fair. I just think as head coaches adapt… which has already started. It’s gonna get much crazier than it is now. Tbh football and bball will learn first and the other smaller sports will steal the tricks from them.
  7. Nil is going to change college sports. That burwikk thread is just the start. “Big” programs will be poaching small holes in their lineup annually. It’s the new new. People think recruiting over is bad now … wait till that magic portal can plug holes in an instant.
  8. Wrestling fans: they don’t call STALLING! chance the rules !!! They need to call stalling. Legislate EVERYTHING with rule change…. hold my beer: THEY CALLED stalling too fast !!!!!!!!!!
  9. What’s the back end ? I assume a code table with 10 weights in it that just is used for the left outer. Actually you could likely join to a nested table with a select distinct weights too… but that’s kind of hacky
  10. Saw this a few times. Wnk can you do a left outer join to produce the unranked ?
  11. I do sometimes find the “grow the sport comments”. As if. Parent: hey little Johnny. Wanna go out for wrestling this year? 7 year old Johnny: Nah. I think I’ll play soccer. parent: interesting. Why? Johnny: I don’t like the conference tournament deciding who goes to NCAAs. It’s not fair. Now if they had a regional qualifier. I would totally be in.
  12. Thanks. Did not realize they are essentially gone. It’s probably good for the sport. I don’t let my kid cut weight.
  13. What type of weight allowance do people get for duals this early in season ? edit : not being argumentative. Just curious.
  14. I will have to next time. Was driving the kids when it started. Thanks
  15. Boy? Steal that from crazy kayne? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR4gx3C1/
  16. First year 100% streaming. Used to get most of my content from DIRECTV / btn + some subscriptions. during the Iowa v isu dual. The feed cut off at the end for the next event. I was sort of used to this on DIRECTV as I just added an extra 15 or so minutes to each recording. I was hoping this was a glitch during the live feed but even now btn cuts the cassioppi match about 1 min in. How common is this ? The “extra few minutes” trick bit me on nearly every dual in the last few years.
  17. I would use chrome or Firefox. Fwiw.
  18. I thought only brands gets his athletes injured ?
  19. Is this isu’s best team in a long time? With an upset here or there isu could win this. (And I’m a Hawkeye fan).
  20. Btn+ seems to get the clock and score wrong multiple times each match.
  21. Wasn’t hall almost majored in the finals that year….. against the same opponent?
  22. Nice. Thanks.
  23. Who are the announcers ? Seems like one or both of them practices in the room.
  24. Finally got mine. DNS took a good day or so too. Now everything is fantastic.
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