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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. If you read it really slow. Does it sound like a Kamala Harris speech?
  2. Only posting cause re phrasing the question to gpt will get u dramatically different and even inaccurate answers. Like why is d gable on it…..
  3. Please rank the top 50 NCAA folkstyle wrestlers that competed between 1980 and 2023. Include in your rankings your ranking scoring system and use that to help justify your rankings. Take into consideration recent wrestlers like Spencer Lee of Iowa, Aaron brooks and carter starroci of psu, and yanni diakomihalis. ChatGPT As an AI language model, I can provide you with a general analysis of top NCAA folkstyle wrestlers who have competed between 1980 and 2023. However, it's important to note that ranking athletes is subjective and can vary based on individual opinions. Additionally, I don't have access to real-time data or specific scoring systems, so I'll provide a general overview based on their accomplishments and performances during their collegiate careers. Here is a subjective ranking of the top 50 NCAA folkstyle wrestlers, taking into consideration the wrestlers you mentioned and other notable athletes: Cael Sanderson - Iowa State Dan Gable - Iowa State Kyle Dake - Cornell David Taylor - Penn State Spencer Lee - Iowa Mark Schultz - Oklahoma Jordan Burroughs - Nebraska Logan Stieber - Ohio State John Smith - Oklahoma State Jason Nolf - Penn State Yianni Diakomihalis - Cornell Ed Ruth - Penn State Zain Retherford - Penn State Ben Askren - Missouri Anthony Robles - Arizona State Jake Varner - Iowa State Pat Smith - Oklahoma State J'den Cox - Missouri Isaiah Martinez - Illinois Spencer Cox - Oklahoma State Derek Moore - UC Davis Alex Dieringer - Oklahoma State Brent Metcalf - Iowa Jim Zalesky - Iowa Aaron Pico - Unattached Steve Mocco - Oklahoma State Andrew Howe - Wisconsin Troy Nickerson - Cornell Johny Hendricks - Oklahoma State Jason Welch - Northwestern Greg Jones - West Virginia David Zabriskie - Iowa State Alex Tsirtsis - Iowa Carter Starocci - Penn State Matt McDonough - Iowa Stephen Abas - Fresno State Kellen Russell - Michigan Kyle Snyder - Ohio State Jake Herbert - Northwestern Mark Ironside - Iowa Ryan Lang - Northwestern Dustin Schlatter - Minnesota David Kjeldgaard - Oklahoma State Dan Chaid - Iowa Jesse Jantzen - Harvard Quentin Wright - Penn State Bo Nickal - Penn State Mark Perry - Iowa Logan Massa - Michigan David Hoffman - Virginia Tech Please note that this list is not definitive, and there are numerous other talented wrestlers who have competed in NCAA folkstyle wrestling over the years. Rankings can vary based on different scoring systems, tournament performances, and personal opinions.
  4. Haha …. Busted lol
  5. It’s almost like minnow has changed his mind on where Ferrari is going to go like. 50 times
  6. That would be an interesting way to determine teams that flow from d1 all the way to d3 / naia. Relegation tourney would be interesting.
  7. Is this similar to the beat down marianelli and kemmerer put on cstall on the backside at the us open?
  8. Compare NIL to European soccer. Not exactly the same but similarities. Plenty of teams are bought in their transfer market.
  9. I sometimes like to take the meatloaf out like 15-20 mins early. Slice it in half lengthwise. Later sone fresh mozzarella and maybe tomatoe/sauce/whatever. Re assemble put top back on. Finish
  10. Watched Saurino v Richards final. Someone tell me where the action is? Lot of bad shots while Saurino has his head buried in the shoulder / collar tie type situation. A series of push outs. Maybe a shot clock thing (the vid I had couldn’t see score board etc). And one lame take down when Saurino was desperate at the end needing points.
  11. I even asked chat gpt. This was the answer. In the United States, folkstyle wrestling is generally considered to be more popular than freestyle wrestling. This is evidenced by the higher attendance numbers at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Wrestling Championship, which features folkstyle wrestling, compared to the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships, which features freestyle wrestling. For example, in 2021, the NCAA Wrestling Championship had an attendance of 16,285 for the finals session, while the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships had an attendance of 2,500 for the finals session. Similarly, in 2019, the NCAA Wrestling Championship had an attendance of 18,950 for the finals session, while the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships had an attendance of 1,000 for the finals session. These attendance numbers suggest that more people in the United States are interested in watching folkstyle wrestling than freestyle wrestling. However, it's worth noting that these tournaments cater to different audiences, as the NCAA Wrestling Championship is focused on college wrestling, while the United States Senior Open Wrestling Championships is focused on senior-level freestyle wrestling.
  12. They are all from flo except The one with the words. That one is some dude in minnows group. There were a few that were bigger and the site didn’t want to let me upload. Stands look full all around in this gable vid ? https://fb.watch/keLfAJxb_U/?mibextid=q5o4bk that under hook sumo push-out at the 30ish second mark is awe inspiring btw. Think they left that off the highlight reel. Gonna make folks style so much better.
  13. The style of venue is a cop out. It’s simply not more entertaining than the current folk style product.
  14. All those freestyle style rule change backers. What was the attendance at the open. I’m surprised people didn’t turn out in droves to watch dozens of multi time ncaa champions… the biggest / second biggest domestic tournament in Las Vegas. Vegas is a tough spot to get to right?
  15. That argument simply means you can subjectively make up whatever you want and be right.
  16. So and so was top 10 because of the media’s failure is such a good argument. I guess it’s all subjective after all.
  17. If his family is rich (I have no idea)….. wouldn’t you think not passing up $$& opportunities is exactly how they got and stay rich?
  18. Caveira


    Some folks on minnows fb page are condoning this and saying the other kid should toughen up.
  19. I see mentions from time to time on Facebook referencing this forum as well as the Hawkeye board. I don’t keep track if it’s him directly or his loyal minions…..
  20. 11 inches of parody apparently.
  21. Obviously I have no inside info …. Gable does not seem to have the flamboyant personality for the wwe…. Nor the body type. Maybe they moved on or he realized if he stayed with it he would be a mid level nobody.
  22. Flashing like he’s on girls gone wild lol.
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