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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Not sure if Your serious. If td and nf are worth way more…. And in theory there should be far more majors…. And a lot more tf. Bonus Should be higher per Match/capita this year. The idea that a record from 30+ years ago against old scoring systems is valid is sort of nonsense. 33% is a big #. Imagine if income changed at this pace over a 10 year period. Or inflation. Or whatever.
  2. Is the record even valid anymore? With all the scoring changing and all……
  3. I’m a Hawkeye fan. I’m not a fan of the 3 point td. with that said. Old rules he would have to take down and get out or get a td. The new rule allowed him to skip that and stall ish through the third period. The new rule promoted that.
  4. Saw this question on Facebook. Stole it from whomever asked it in reference to the gabe Arnold match……. Did the 3 point td rule influence Arnold’s decision not to take down in the third period? Especially with a stall warning already.
  5. I think If gave goes for NCAAs let him go 174. Better weight for him. Especially after he’s scouted for a year or so. They aren’t competing for first place after all.
  6. Big win for Arnold. Not the best showing for teske or vv.
  7. Like a sand wedge ?
  8. Why does Arnold wear that left knee pad backward and below his knee. ?
  9. Pk gonna get bonus here ?
  10. Why have a decimal point on the time….. and not use it.
  11. Why can none of the streaming services seem to show the correct time. Or start the time when they blow the whistle. good win for Ayala
  12. Bad clock work on ESPN2 ad well.
  13. It’s on ESPN2 as well. That Channel is fine
  14. Religious bad boys. Tired ol story.
  15. Stay classy San Diego. Calling people stupid during the holidays is always cool.
  16. Wait. If you make the majority of scoring simply higher values. People score more points.? Who knew? Ha. I saw someone on fb raving how Mekhi had never had double digit points put up against him Now I think he was definitely dominated but c* got 2 td + a 4 pt near fall (And a stall I think) That’s 3 extra points…. Almost a 30% delta it’s been like two weeks. Can we not make more rule changes until we figure out if it is even a good idea to change the td to 3 points??? also just call stalling. And stop changing rules to hope it stops people from stalling (it won’t…. Humans get tired). It’s hard enough to compare eras already……..
  17. Hopefully this thread helps with this. Doesn’t seem there are a ton of 4x AA multi time finalize / champs for a reason. When people say things like …. So and so stinks he is barely a r12 guy…. Or is only 2-8 in the big 10 or whatever. It’s pretty sad sometimes. It’s like we eat our own sometimes. I say sometimes to much.
  18. In high school (Illinois 2a the big division at the time) I was defensive on my feet. Had ok shots but was better at position and go behinds. Good positional / hand fighting etc. I was tall / lanky and used that to my advantage. Could defend from most I came across in the state etc. I was a good pinner / rider. Had a good leg ride and cradle series. Could turn almost anyone except some of the better kids. I didn’t realize then but I was below average on bottom. I don’t recall getting pinned but I do recall getting ridden a full period quit a bit. in college. Well everyone had good position and could hand fight. And the average to above average we’re taking me down quite a bit. The AAs / national champs in the room at will. Not to bad but defo not high school. Also kids in college can get out from bottom so my riding skills didn’t really translate as I thought they would. Not getting out from bottom was now really exposed. The better kids punished this tremendously. If not for back points but brutally kicking your butt for a period takes its toll on your head kneck arms shoulders etc. I know that now when they hurt when I sleep lol… that or I’m getting old. Also. Not dominating like 70-80% of matches was very new….. I didn’t like that very much lol. I prolly cut to much weight as I tended to have to work more on that than getting out from bottom or developing better offensive capabilities on my feet. When your coaches tell you to work on xyz when your young. Work on it. Kids think but I won?!?!!!?? Or I’m winning!?!!?! Or I placed at state.!?!?!!?! That doesn’t matter. they know what you need to work on. Leave the hubris at the door. No need for that.
  19. Wrestled d3 for 3 years until I got hurt. Doctor said if I want to be able bodied later in life it was time to retire. I was 0.500 spot starting for a top 10 team nationally. Was never a threat to AA or anything like that. Someone made this joke earlier so I’ll steal it as it was good ….. best thing I never want to do again. this was the late 90s and the weight cutting was brutal. Hopefully they don’t cut like that any more. I don’t let my son cut weight. I help coach the local kids team.
  20. I thought minnow or someone announced Spencer Lee attending? Is that bs? I’ll try and find the post
  21. Just call stalling yes. Humans stall when they have a lead and they are tired. Or when they are just tired. 3 point takedowns will make that worse imo. wkn maybe a question for you. Did 4 point near falls lead to a meaningful deviation in the number of pins ? It certainly doesn’t feel that way…. And certainly didn’t get rid of staling by incentivizing pinfalls. please stop changing the rules every darn year.
  22. I think this case has already been tried on rescue me.
  23. I read somewhere Jordan Burroughs is going 74 kg
  24. Sounds like psu shouldn’t be so dependent in the transfer portal.
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