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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Ir seems far less censored than fb or YouTube. I often try to find a YouTube vid instead or the equivalent….. but was to lazy this time. I often can’t find the same news clips on YouTube for example.
  2. I hate the internet sometimes lol
  3. Prolly posted….. but sir Biden at Arlington in a political ad https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNoBfx77/
  4. Guy deported 5 times. Multiple rapes. Murder. News still calls them asylum seekers vs illegal. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNoBmB3W/
  5. This is a good one. Not really even that political. The gov is wasteful https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNokgWkN/
  6. Let’s go crazy. Underrated tune. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNoYxQCo/
  7. Two diff interviews https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNoe8LuD/
  8. Ha https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNo1morE/
  9. It’s immoral….. and should not be encouraged or condoned.
  10. He’s alive and kicking. And can say anything he wants publicly about the situation. Yet chooses not to do so. So obviously without knowing him personally…. Factually he would say nothing as that’s exactly what he’s said.
  11. This comment is so fire. Porn sites have less of their canvas taken by ads. Not that I visit frequently. Maybe add gambling and food / recipe sites to the list of “less ads”.
  12. Real graduated from Stanford with a college degree in psychology. Post your undergrad accolades. Also. Post all your unpaid debts. lol.
  13. Some posters were posting this today somewhere. Wither here or hawk cesspool. Dunno. They say he intends to.
  14. Fascinating philosophical argument? some people are in favor of holding kids back in grammar school to get a competitive advantage… #winning Vs a Stanford grad taking pre med courses….. that are not necessarily a masters/grad degree to help with mcat / entrance to med school. Life sure is funny.
  15. I think the fear is the government will not stop at people who are rich. Federal income tax started as an attempt to tax the rich. The Illinois tollway was only put up to pay for that one toll road. In 1974. They are wasteful in their spending. Look at Chicago today…. Spending billions on illegals and is out of $$$. Saying we will have to pay more in taxes. https://www.illinoispolicy.org/chicago-mayor-brandon-johnson-stares-down-a-1-billion-city-budget-deficit/
  16. How come no hate on sdsu or Iowa state or ou for taking transfers this late? I don’t begrudge them for the record but seems the shade is only flying in one particular teams direction.
  17. My financial advisor isn’t worried about that passing. Which I’m not sure makes me happy or crazy lol. With that said this is the by far best evidence it won’t edit: (sorry…. I clicked an ad. Then I clicked save. Accidental.)
  18. Even cnn is knocking her…. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNENcsfH/
  19. I mean. Would you ban fracking? The look on her face when getting called out for lying lol https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNE8AJyG/
  20. She’s been lying for over 20 years https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNEJguWQ/
  21. Some will get a kick out of this. I thought it was fake when I saw a vid on it at first. Lol
  22. Wrong. Only Iowa does bad things regarding nil and portal
  23. Subtle. But the nagao comment is often used to stipulate fact that Iowa pays more all the time etc….
  24. Who’s paying that 1.3m to Cstar? Since we have as much proof that someone is throwing bags of money at psu guys now…..
  25. True. The German shepherd part is totally false. And. What it doesn’t tell you. She is an eloquent speaker across the board. In every unscripted speech. #thethingsyoudidntknow #germanshephards
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