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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Not much out of line with the starters. Mendez over Byrd was big. Been excited to see Geog and he didn't disappoint. Decatur wrestling back did surprise me. Good first outing.
  2. No idea? I thought you meant by, 'ping pong' answering the thread before you without addressing the thread title...
  3. Little Lupe is that you?
  4. Wouldn't that infer that you answer the original question of the thread on page one? What am I missing here?
  5. Agreed. Similar to Mendez beating Byrd...
  6. MPhillips


    It's not you it's me...
  7. Sasso with a fall at 149. Paddy loses 5-3.
  8. Fan...
  9. 2019?
  10. Nope. Jesse MF Mendez may have been though...
  11. I wouldn't have argued if it had been called...
  12. He was going right at him. I'm glad to see him back. Hate to see D'Emilio injured.
  13. Brady MF Koontz again...
  14. Throwin' the dog a bone?
  15. Brady MF Koontz
  16. As he should.
  17. I'm in CBUS. I understand. I was here when it was just plain ol' Ohio State University.
  18. @nhs67You use, '"the" just to torment me...
  19. No Karchla, Orndorff, Hepner or Feldman
  20. Here they come...
  21. PDIII eats Ferrari's lunch.
  22. These are for the fans. Enjoy!
  23. He was hyped quite a bit and deservingly, but I think the weight hurt him. I believe he'll be much better this season.
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