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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Never let a bunch of dummies bring you down NMM.
  2. You were confident in winning going in then. I like that.
  3. Very first song posted in this thread. I've also seen Whipping Post live, but not with Duane. Here's their set from that evening. With a Bill Graham introduction.
  4. You're comparing the pushout to the ball grab?
  5. I can only post OSU robes. It's part of my NIL deal.
  6. Was he ever really here at all?
  7. Projected OSU lineups and predictions (guesses) vs MSU 125 No. 10 Malik Heinselman (Sr.) vs Tristan Lujan (Jr.) or Benny Gomez (GR) Malik Dec. 3-0 133 No. 9 Jesse Mendez (Fr.) vs No. 18 Rayvon Foley (GR) Mendez Dec. 6-0 141 No. 18 Dylan D’Emilio (r-Jr.) vs Jordan Hamdan (r-Jr.) D'Emilio Dec. 9-0 149 No. 3 Sammy Sasso (r-Sr.) vs Peyton Omania (r-Jr.) or Braden Stauffenberg (Fr.) Sasso Fall 15-0 157 No. 23 Paddy Gallagher (r-Fr.) vs No. 13 Chase Saldate (Jr.) Paddy Dec. 18-0 165 No. 9 Carson Kharchla (r-Jr.) vs Caleb Fish (Jr.) Kharchla Dec. 21-0 174 No. 8 Ethan Smith (r-Sr.) vs Ceasar Garza (Fr.) Smith Maj. 25-0 184 No. 5 Kaleb Romero (r-Sr.) vs No. 14 Layne Malczewski (r-Sr.) Romero Dec. 28-0 197 No. 21 Gavin Hoffman (r-Sr.) vs No. 14 Cameron Caffey (GR) Caffey Dec. 28-3 285 No. 16 Tate Orndorff (r-Sr.) vs Ryan Vasbinder (GR) I hope Swenski gets to go again. I think he loses but it will be better than Parris. 28-7 Buckeyes 28-7
  8. Projected OSU lineups and predictions (guesses) vs Michigan State 125 No. 10 Malik Heinselman (Sr.) vs Tristan Lujan (Jr.) or Benny Gomez (GR) Malik Dec. 3-0 133 No. 9 Jesse Mendez (Fr.) vs No. 18 Rayvon Foley (GR) Mendez Dec. 6-0 141 No. 18 Dylan D’Emilio (r-Jr.) vs Jordan Hamdan (r-Jr.) D'Emilio Dec. 9-0 149 No. 3 Sammy Sasso (r-Sr.) vs Peyton Omania (r-Jr.) or Braden Stauffenberg (Fr.) Sasso Fall 15-0 157 No. 23 Paddy Gallagher (r-Fr.) vs No. 13 Chase Saldate (Jr.) Paddy Dec. 18-0 165 No. 9 Carson Kharchla (r-Jr.) vs Caleb Fish (Jr.) Kharchla Dec. 21-0 174 No. 8 Ethan Smith (r-Sr.) vs Ceasar Garza (Fr.) Smith Maj. 25-0 184 No. 5 Kaleb Romero (r-Sr.) vs No. 14 Layne Malczewski (r-Sr.) Romero Dec. 28-0 197 No. 21 Gavin Hoffman (r-Sr.) vs No. 14 Cameron Caffey (GR) Caffey Dec. 28-3 285 No. 16 Tate Orndorff (r-Sr.) vs Ryan Vasbinder (GR) I hope Swenski gets to go again. I think he loses but it will be better than Parris. 28-7 Buckeyes 28-7
  9. 125 Malik looked like Malik. When he has a lead in the third I'm always pretty confident. 133 Mendez Got the job done against a pretty seasoned college wrestler. 141 D'Emilio Had two great doubles. Minus the reversal he looked good. Mattin fans since they were little. Rarely does a Mattin not bleed in a match. 149 Sasso wasn't challenged and wrestled well. Fifteen bonus point wins this season. 157 Paddy wrestled decent against a decent wrestler. 165 Kharchla looked better than last time I saw him. Had two nice shots that he needs to finish and one I thought he did. He didn't seem to gas. Unlucky at the end. 174 Smith Looked okay and beat a guy he should. I hate giving up an escape with four seconds. 184 Romero was never in danger. Controlled the match. 197 Hoffman got a win. 285 Swenski was a surprise and probably didn't do much worse than Orndorff. Good win for the Buckeyes.
  10. They saw my predictions and were pissed...
  11. You've adjusted nicely. I had it, but my ol' man beat me everytime...
  12. 125 No. 10 Malik Heinselman (Sr.) or Andre Gonzales (r-Fr.) vs No. 20 Jack Medley (GR) 4-0 133 No. 9 Jesse Mendez (Fr.) vs No. 12 Dylan Ragusin (r-So.) 4-3 141 No. 18 Dylan D’Emilio (r-Jr. vs No. 23 Cole Mattin (r-Jr.) 7-3 149 No. 3 Sammy Sasso (r-Sr.) vs No. 21 Chance Lamer (r-Fr.) or Fidel Mayora (r-So.) 7-9 157 No. 23 Paddy Gallagher (r-Fr. vs No. 10 Will Lewan (r-Sr.) 10-9 165 No. 9 Carson Kharchla (r-Jr.) or Isaac Wilcox (Jr.) vs No. 6 Cameron Amine (r-Jr.) 13-9 174 No. 8 Ethan Smith (r-Sr.) vs Max Maylor (r-Sr.) or Joseph Walker (r-So.) 13-12 184 No. 5 Kaleb Romero (r-Sr.) vs No. 8 Matt Finesilver (GR) 13-15 197 No. 21 Gavin Hoffman (r-Sr.) vs Brendin Yatooma (r-So.) 13-18 285 No. 16 Tate Orndorff (r-Sr.) vs No. 1 Mason Parris (5th) 18-18 OSU 18 / UM 18. Unless Malik wrestles. GO BUCKEYES https://intermatforums.com/forum/16-duals/
  13. Maybe there's a Pong survivors group we can join. We're not that old fellas. Just feels like it...
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