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MPhillips last won the day on February 10

MPhillips had the most liked content!

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Big Brain

Big Brain (14/14)

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  1. You have become my favorite character here in less than 24 hrs...
  2. I'm not accusing. To be fair Kasak had this acne all season didn't he?
  3. DI vs the lower divisions is a pretty different environment.
  4. Couldn't randomly choose a regular starter 22 times...
  5. Evil Villain standing on the mat. Here come the Great American Hero wrapped in an American flag. Evil Villain doesn't make way for the American flag draped underdog. Crowd boo's. Tension builds. Greatest American Hero upsets evil champion. Camera pans to President and then to Hero and then to an All American family in tears over the All American goodness that this represents. Hero salutes President. President hugs American flag draped hero who just defeated evil and then the President whispers in his ear, "Thank you, 'Old Shoe'." Wag the Dog
  6. @Wrestleknownothingwill have the complete stats. Give him a chance...
  7. Living a movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wag_the_Dog
  8. Seems like a pretty solid start...
  9. I believe I just watched, 'Wag the Dog'
  10. So do I...
  11. Dime bag...
  12. D'Emilio
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