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MPhillips last won the day on December 17

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  1. Willie and Basch also talked about it...
  2. I thought he was pretty good last season...
  3. I don't believe they do...
  4. Mendez 69% bonus last season, 75% this season...
  5. Yes. For each other...
  6. Thanks @steamboat_charlie
  7. No idea, but this is where college FB is...
  8. Whose heat?
  9. All rather strange unless he just wasn't happy...
  10. Yes it does. Unless it was for Kharch...
  11. For someone who wrote ONLY to correct another poster that didn't need correcting, "They got rid of the lowest weight and slightly adjusted the other weights to compensate. Saying they moved all of the weights up 7 pounds makes no sense." you sure are an expert. How was that? Did I fulfill your notion of who I am...
  12. That sentence is something...
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