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jackwebster last won the day on July 4 2024

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  1. What's wrong with this picture?
  2. I repeatedly disrespected JWS and his late-stage stewardship of my favorite team. I childishly posted "John Smith hates his team" over and over again in a vain attempt to meme-ify my fan frustration. In fact, I fantasized about the possibility that "______ hates his team" would come to rival "I really enjoyed the _______ era."
  3. True, but horse shoes and hand grenades. In folk, it is exceedingly difficult score from the position Sakamoto was in that first time. Even if you have both knees in the hole and the ankle shelved, your near arm is trapped. You can't get that arm around the near leg. Instead, you have try to lock out the shelved ankle and attempt to turn the dude's knee-up vertical . . . all while trying to posture up. It's just too much weight going forward. Worse still is if the the guy in Ayala's position gets behind both arms and locks their hands. The guy will just slowly stretch you out and slip the trapped leg. Again, I've seen some Askren folks work Peterson from there without much success. Obviously, free is another matter. Jabrayil Hasanov (AZE) used to torch folks from here.
  4. Askren and a few of his clones have had success in this position, but usually not from neutral bc of the risk.
  5. There was a time when phocomelia jokes were in poor taste, but it's a brave new world that has such people in it.
  6. To defend short offense and the slide-by, Sakamoto repeatedly stepped over / behind Ayala's leg to prevent the go behind. The first time he did it, he got both legs in the hole and was able to shelf the ankle. The other times, he only got one leg in and thus put himself in danger of the Merkle. When Ayala burned him with the shrug / slide-by, you could tell by his immediate reaction (turning his hips into the shrug and fishing with the lead leg) that Sakamoto has drilled this defense until it has become automatic. He's gonna have to fix this.
  7. Touche I wondered what it looked like. These guys look pretty tired after 20 minutes:
  8. Nobody is wrestling 5 straight hours.
  9. Ugghh . . . I apologize if the kid is seriously injured. Somebody assure me that he is OK.
  10. Judging by the number of Narcan billboards on I-40, OK might not be the best place to open a Moon Juice. Then again, State College ain't Silver Lake either.
  11. Howie Miller ought to try his hand at a Manville documentary. Maybe Flo could produce it.
  12. Makes sense if folks with substance abuse issues make rational decisions. But, they don't. You can't empathize away substance abuse. Thus, the 1st of the 12 steps. Per the linked article, it seems like kid took the first step.
  13. Is there any site taking bets on PSU to just win? My family is having a reunion this summer, and I need airfair. I figure I could take another mortgage on my house, wager it, and probably cover at least half.
  14. Keep my wife's name out your mouth!
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