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jackwebster last won the day on July 4

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  1. Yeah. JWS probably never even mentioned this. (Ohh ... Real question: Are we supposed to ignore JC?)
  2. I have nothing to add to the who's-gonna-win debate (toss-ups, bonus, upsets, etc), but I think that OSU is gonna double-up on takedown totals.
  3. I'm red-green colorblind. As a coach, I would always have to ask my asst who got the points when there was a lot of rollin' around. For the differently-abled, I see the advantage of home and away. Either that or a change to red and blue.
  4. Why do you think? I'd guess it has to do with the size of the huntable area. There's just too much space to cover with a bow. Same with Colorado and Montana. I'd bet more densely populated areas with less huntable areas and higher density of game would be at the top of the list.
  5. Did you see that *sh1t*?! The whole team was wearing Panda Dunks! Sickening
  6. Gum? You can stick your bougie pretenses in a sack, mister.
  7. I'm suspcious of a positive causal correlation between drinking and weight gain. As a professional alcoholic, I know that if I drink, I drink and abstain from extraneous calorie consumption, I.e. I don't eat. Eating gets in the way of the primary objective, I.e. to get drunk and continue destroying my life. I know that there is more than one way to win the race to the bottom, but fatdrunk is once that I'm not familiar with.
  8. Where is he at?
  9. my inane joke had already been made.
  10. This might go in the international forum (Honestly probably to too inane be to posted anywhere), but here goes: the Spartan Combat logo looks half-assed. Couldn't they scrounge up a couple of bucks for a competent designer? So as not to be accused of just complaining, I offer a solution. . . wrestling ally from way back: BRANDING | Christian Ceci https://www.christianceci.com/branding
  11. I'll go a step farther and say it would be better to divorse the two at all levels.
  12. Insert gratuitous Chris Perry insult.
  13. Sure, if you imagine that you're gonna do anything else besides wrestle the rest of you're life. The best of the best don't, and I imagine all of these types of recruits think that they are in that category. They figure they are the next ________.
  14. Yeah. Scott and EG sound like him but it's not because he's short. JS has got that classic Oklahoma lilting drawl. It's not that nasal twang like they have in Southeast. It's not the loud, macho, self-importance that Texans have. It's soft, but not the high-pitched stacatto (effeminate?) Of Appalachia. There's something sneaky in their delivery, like they know something you don't.
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