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El Luchador

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Everything posted by El Luchador

  1. Sorry but that is not an accurate or legal definition. That could literally be used to ban toy guns. How can you be expected to be taken serious. If I looks like something ban it. That definition only works if you want to outlaw every gun, which we all know is the real agenda of the left.
  2. This part of we all doesn't know. It is nothing more than a hyperbolic term. Like I said main military battle rifles are already not available. So you have yet to show an example.
  3. Define assault rifle? The standard issue battle rifle is not available to the general public without ridiculous fees and administrative paperwork. You most certainly cannot go out and buy them at a local gun shop.
  4. What weapon of war that isn't banned should be. What exactly is a weapon of war? We can't have any of those things you listed, and they don't have historical use or wide use. So basically I'm saying we have pretty good laws right now but lots of state are violating rights. Many of the current laws are in clear violation, also the ATF making laws by changing interpretation is clearly illegal. The truth is they are knowingly and willingly violating the 2nd amendment and the court's will need years to work it out.
  5. Well there have been lots of current rulings, maybe you should start with that. Basically if it in common use and wide use, and if it's historically consistent. Look at the Heller vs DC and the Bruin vs The state of New York opinions. Those will give you a good understanding of the application of the second amendment. You may disagree with the second amendment but that's on you. The constitution protects the individual. Government is forbidden from doing certain things and taking my guns is one of them.
  6. As all leftists think, you guys are the only ones with intellect. That's why you say smart things like speech is violence and think censorship is necessary. Dismissing an argument based on it having been said. Okay you're the smart one. What a great way to never have to address inconvenient facts.
  7. You do realize that the exact same can be said about you?
  8. Some how your baseless rhetoric is nobel and truthful. For me gun issues are simple, the constitution protects my rights clearly and plainly. Don't tread on my rights. I will not comply. Molon labe. I'm so sick of the constant assault on my liberty by leftist.
  9. Their inability to control and apprehend without beating a guy half to death is the most obvious. The physical challenges police face they most certainly are not properly trained to handle. There have been numerous riots over outright lies but the time we see clear evidence of atrocious behavior from police somehow the peace was kept. I just don't get it.
  10. I do agree but when it comes to passivity we need forward moving attacking wrestlers. I honestly believe the biggest problem with today's wrestling is a overly narrow offensive skills base. Wrestlers need to diversify to keep the sport interesting and exciting.
  11. If you're offense relies on your opponents attack first, then you most certainly are passive. Forcing a response is different, such as when I have a dominant tie like a 2 on 1 and I react to your response to my tie. But all to often we see a guy block and sag and back off the mat and the refs allow it.
  12. How about drug deaths? Clearly killing more kids and already 100% illegal.
  13. I saw Gregg Allman do it. I'm not old enough to have seen Duane. I was 2 when he died.
  14. I saw SRV on his final tour in Minnesota. His live music is amazing.
  15. The Perp called a local news station after the video was released. He is a bit of a nut job.
  16. So I listened to the dual last night and watched the Big 10 YouTube video this morning. I must say as a whole Iowa was not good from the bottom. They were kinda owned by PSU. The brawler image of Iowa was destroyed last night.
  17. Well it's truly despicable. These cops were ill-equipped to handle this situation and had a hood rat mentality of dealing with "disrespect". Cops should spend 25% of their time training. I'm beginning to think only wrestlers should be cops. This is a massive reflection on the sub standard screening and training of police officers by the Memphis PD.
  18. Waiting for the video, preparing for the worst. Will Memphis burn tonight?
  19. San Fran Nan sells $3 million dollars worth of Google Stock weeks before DOJ announced anti trust lawsuit. She sure has good timing. Her Fortune was made on the side while in congress. Imagine how well she could have done if she dedicated herself to full-time trading and forwent her selfless career in government.
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