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  1. The county? A piece of ground? What does a piece of ground do with money? Maybe it went to a human entity WHO USED IT TO PAY FOR THINGS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS?!? Are you being willfully ignorant about "going to a county" or just waiting for someone to respond like this?
  2. Isn't the who climateer religion about doing raindances to control the weather? WIndmills, dream catchers, electric golf carts bulked up to be grocery getters, no straws, no bags, eat bugs. All of that is to control the weather, right? It will be as effective as raindances and human sacrifices were in pleasing the gods and controlling the weather. What is the point of this thread? Are you for or against controlling the weather?
  3. Send them to Tampon Tim. Punishment? No way. Girls can still get all the tampons they need so there has been zero net harm in this instance. If we use the same evidence and standing rules that liberal judges use for election fraud cases the is no one with standing and there is no loss to bring any suit/charges. Who is to say a tampon dispenser in a toilet is any less useful than in a toilet. Isn't the stall where someone who wants a tampon be using it anyway. I think this is an improvement on balance.
  4. What are you doing about it? Who gave them a billion dollars with no restrictions on its use? You and your cohorts, CONGRESSMAN. Stop whining and get to worlk. You and your colleagues have completely abdicated law making and the power of the purse to the swamp so I find it quite frustrating when you then whine about it afterward.
  5. When is a good time for a crippling strike? Would good timing have been to strike during COVID shutdowns? By bad do you mean "in the union's interest"? Maximum pressure is the point of a strike.
  6. Which leaves the question open if he is or is not a kangaroo.
  7. How do we differentiate between a legal migrant and an Illegal alien? One is a migrant. The illegal one is a crimmigrant.
  8. This is not hard. Tax the electricity upon input to the vehicle. Just like we tax gasoline now - when and where it is dispensed. No tracking the car. Heavier and less efficient vehicles pay more road tax per mile than lighter more efficient ones. The concept already exists. Just implement it. Actually, hybrids like the Prius are the tricky ones. Plug in Hybrids just can pay taxes at the pump and at the electric meter. But Prius-type hybrids only input energy at the pump. Those are the hard ones to tax appropriately for road use.
  9. Do consequences for actions - especially bad consequences for bad actions - ever really change anything? Yes.
  10. This is the most disturbing part of that article. It seems about 10 times higher than the number of agencies/sub components should be given the things the Federal government is authorized to do in the Constitution.
  11. More examples leftie hyper-radicalism: No vax - no job. No vax - no access to medical treatment. No vax - sent to internment camp (I wonder if they intended the camp to be a 6 feet of separation camp - must be really big). Doubt climateer orthodoxy - sent to reeducation (maybe available online) and children removed from your household. Examples of rightie radicalism: Keep dudes with dicks out of my grand daughters' locker room. Praying for the souls of those killed in abortion clinics and of those doing the killing. Deplorable.
  12. Writing in the Washington Post, the former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate (Hillary Clinton) said that her choice of words had been "unfortunate" and "bad politics" but it "got at an important truth." She went on to write that "deplorable is too kind a word for the hate and violent extremism we've seen from some Trump supporters." Of course, the assassination attempts are neither hateful nor violent in Hillary's opinion. But saying "All Lives Matter", "Ladies and Gentlemen", and "I Disagree with Gavin Newsome" should be punishable by incarceration.
  13. I wonder if inflammable and flammable the same thing . . .
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