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  1. A parking lot is for parking while using the services of the establishment. Fuel cars elsewhere. Like normal people/cars do. I do consider the opposing argument that these spots are simply for the mentally handicapped to mirror the spots for the physically handicapped.
  2. Let me get this right: Your argument is that the insurrectionist expert criminals who became FBI informants were planted in a peaceful protest to incite an insurrection - one without guns, of course. They then did criminally incite such insurrection in accordance with their expert criminality but had prior arranged immunity from the consequences of inciting such insurrection? isn't that exactly the "conspiracy" that those you are ridiculing say came true?
  3. And none investigated, arrested, charged, jailed, convicted, etc. These "informants are criminals and members of criminal groups" did no crimes in the biggest federal crime of the past 160 years?!? What are the odds??? Really, what are the odds? . . . Bueller . . . Bueller. Do FBI get blanket immunity - like Hunter Biden - for everything they have done or may do? Or only for the things in which they are helping out the FBI? Does an informant about money laundering get immunity against insurrection? I suspect the immunity is for a narrow band of crimes and time and crimes outside of their particular expertise are still able to be prosecuted. Or were all these insurrection informants - even the 23 supposedly not on the clock?
  4. Yes. That is why only 32 different states, DC, and several US territories have selected women leaders. And women hate women in red states. Especially the ones that have had women governors like Texas, South Carolina, Kentucky, Montana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, Iowa, Wyoming. The latest two republican women governors preside over the he-man women hating testosterone dens of New Hampshire and Puerto Rico. Here are the states never to have had a woman governor. Note the world famous true blue chick havens such as California, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota. They must really hate their women to love their women so much yet not be able to find their way to make one governor. Or, maybe . . . just maybe, genitals have nothing to do with elections any longer. Representing the goals and needs of the electorate is more highly correlated with electability than chromosomes. 18 states have never had a female governor: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
  5. How many of those 26 "non-agents just happening to be on the mall that day minding their business" got arrested and prosecuted? I am sure one of our data flinging savants on these boards can give us the probability that of any random group of 26 people in the J6 crowds not one of them get even a visit from the feds. I suspect that we can prove a statistically significant difference in behavior of the DOJ and FBI to these "non-agents not acting in any official capacity" from those in the crowd right next to them. If there is a difference in the official behavior toward those 26 "non-agents" then it is right and proper to presume they were acting in some official capacity. It's just math but my math has been declared bad so I defer to my math-betters to do the calc.
  6. Also known as a crime. So, what is going to happen? Were the criminals democrats? Then nothing. Were the criminals in the DOJ republicans (let's wait for the laughter to subside . . . . . )? Then solitary confinement while awaiting federal courts to work their way to create 37 or more felonies from a single action that has never been prosecuted before and has no victims and is beyond the statute of limitations and will be tried in a jurisdiction that has more than 90% of people who think that republicans are evil incarnate presided over by a judge who makes up the rules as he goes along and says "if the prosecution did not prove a crime was committed you can still convict the defendant if you generally don't like him". How can anyone doubt the DOJ and its standing as an ethical institution serving the citizenry of the US? Those people must be conspiracy theorists.
  7. We have proof they also get very agitated and will attack you personally if you disagree with them. Especially if you do so providing facts, logic, data, and experience.
  8. Another self-inflicted wound leading to a manmade disaster. Nissan went all in on full EVs and completely neglected their customers' desires for other powertrain configurations (traditional hybrids like the Prius and/or PHEV). So, now they are f'ed and trying to figure out how to get back to making cars people want.
  9. Libs and lefties can reduce human breathing by 50% right now! They have the power and do not need conservatives to do anything nor enact any legislation or regulations anywhere. If they would simply start holding their breaths until Flux Capacitors and Mr Fusions are mandated (which will lead to their creation, of course) then they can breathe safely again. You know, for the health of the planet.
  10. It depends on what the meaning of is is.
  11. Bans, mandates, EPA, etc etc and they can't get the basics right. We must have Mr. Fusions mandated by Congress and enforced by administrative fiat NOW!! In further Climateer news: The EU politicians have come out against the EU politicians.
  12. Yes, it was sloppy in mixing the denominator of the percentages in the original post. But a fair correcting rebuttal would also add in both sides (worker and business) of FICA for 15% up to bout $160k and 3% after that. Then the 30% hits much earlier than $575k.
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