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Lipdrag last won the day on September 27 2024

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Officials talk too much anyway. All the time. STFU and indicate the points scored.
  2. "Spratley stalled his whole match against Ventresca. Zero shots and caught Eddie with a reattack. " I know it will be very tough to officiate consistently but I would like a takedown initiated by an aggressor to be worth more than countering a shot then getting a TD from the sprall or scramble after the other guy put himself at risk with the shot. If you will stipulate that awarding points is meant to reward behavior in addition to rewarding achievement then differentiating between an initiated TD and a counter TD will help with both.
  3. I think 3 point takedowns lead to more stalling rather than more action. I see quite a few top wrestlers with 3 point leads due to a single takedown being very content to give up the escape and two stalling calls and end up winning by a point. They could not afford that second stalling call if a TD remained 2 points and therefore would have to engage for much longer in the match. I don't have data to prove my anecdotal observation but expect that more than enough exists from college and high school to determine if a statistically significant difference in 3rd period behavior of wrestlers has occurred.
  4. The unreasonable and non-Americans stand on the other side. Which makes it almost 50-50.
  5. I love it!! I think I might use that as my user profile at work. It might lead to my accelerated "invitation to retire" but it is worth it.
  6. https://babylonbee.com/news/liberals-defeat-hitler-by-painting-swastikas-everywhere-and-torching-immigrants-business
  7. I'm not sure I'd like to know! I might end up hating myself.
  8. https://babylonbee.com/news/layoffs-delayed-as-dept-of-education-officials-unable-to-calculate-how-many-employees-fifty-percent-would-be
  9. Babylon Bee comes through again. https://babylonbee.com/news/layoffs-delayed-as-dept-of-education-officials-unable-to-calculate-how-many-employees-fifty-percent-would-be
  10. You're right! We don't have enough human sacrifices from the peasants. AGAIN. Damn peasants never do what is required to please the gods. Current climateers know exactly what is the cause of the problem and the solution. Remember to add in some Rain Dances for good measure. Can I keep my car if I do a rain dance? I am sure it is on the carbon credit spreadsheet somewhere that 1 rain dance buys an indulgence for eating a beef jerky.
  11. Damn Eqyptians and Babylonians driving SUVs everywhere. Jerks. King Tut and Hammurabi suck!
  12. "The real “crisis” seems to be that Trump is winning in some of these cases. To make matters worse, he is complying with adverse rulings." Long read from J. Turley. Who voted for Clinton and has been decribed by the Washington Post as, " . . . a liberal Democrat who was “articulate, . . . " https://jonathanturley.org/2025/03/10/panic-politics-law-professors-umpteenth-constitutional-crisis-falls-flat/
  13. Isn't it crazy how facts and physics keep coming up?
  14. I am so EnvironMental that I refuse to do any of the following: Use new water. I use only recycled water Use new air. I use only recycled air Use new carbon. I use only recycled carbon Use new anything. I have never used anything that contains any newly generated atoms or elements. I refuse to eat beef from farting cows. I eat beef that has been certified to come only from cows that have ceased all farting activities and will never fart again. A man can't love the environment more than that.
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