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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i totally blanked on egypt... **tip of the cap**
  2. amusing side bar... early mongols living on the steppe would make clothing out of mice skins... that must have been a lot of poor mice... this was before the 1st degree murderer took over... once he started his reign they became a very profitable people and the 1st degree murder of cute furry rodents became 1st degree murder of much bigger and way less cute rodents... something that many in today's society would openly applaud... so... is ghengis a hero????? (trust the science) (wait) (am i conflating???)
  3. almost like that was the way of the world every where on this planet up until just a few years ago... **clutches handbag**
  4. i am just saying your sensitive nature would not have served you very well in every period of history save this one... feel free to disagree... i am totally ok with that...
  5. i am saying it is adorable when someone uses today's standards to judge someone from 1000 years ago... i am also saying you are very lucky to be living in the time you are now... my guess is it would have been a pretty rough life for someone like you in virtually every other time in history other than the last 100 years...
  6. Sometimes it sneaks up while you are clutching your pearls as well…
  7. It’s almost like you have no knowledge or understanding of history…
  8. adorable... who has ever cheated death in the history of ever?
  9. khan would give them all choice pre-battle... it was totally up to them what happened next... it really did not matter to him because the end result was never in doubt... he was getting what he wanted and everyone else were free to jump on board if they wanted... or not... he also regularly gave his enemies' leaders a chance to join him if they performed admirably in battle... incredibly tolerant of others customs/religions/whatever... he was a fascinating warrior...
  10. please tell me this is a joke?
  11. i think you might be missing my point... i yard sale'd our SV-650 endurance bike 11 laps into a 12 hour endurance race because i am a total jackass... made the pass for the lead and decided i was going to string together a couple of sprint laps and make a gap... dropped a rear wheel off the track at about 135 and woke up a while later... only thing salvageable off the bike was the motor clip-ons and foot pegs... corner workers immediately thought i was dead and wanted to stop the race... praise odin race control had been doing this a minute and was like calm down... could not look down for two moths without falling over from that concussion... few broken bones and just pain everywhere for weeks... never even contemplated stopping... and that is nowhere near the worst injury i have had just the absolute fastest crash i ever had... seen friends have limbs saved trackside... seen some limbs not saved... seen some friends die and/or never be the same after a weekend... it is a very real possibility that anyone should already have reconciled with before they ever even contemplate getting on the track... point being... there are people that would rather die than live a "safe" life...
  12. khan is directly responsible for between 30-80 million... he single handedly changed the carbon footprint of this rock... directly related to 3% of the people living on the planet right this second... kinda makes people whining about means words seem a little silly, yes?
  13. i imagine it is hard for anyone who has grown up exclusively in urban environments to be able to conceptualize land in the way anyone who has experience working land does...
  14. Genghis Khan thinks stalin's numbers are adorable...
  15. for most racers i ever hung out with, your guess would be 100% inaccurate... that goes for the world champs i have got into shenanigans with as well as the club racers... i have never in my life felt more alive than driving home after a weekend where i woke up in the pits again...
  16. one last amusing tidbit... when the boy finally turned 8 he was able to race the big tracks... from 5-8 he was only allowed to race kart tracks in the club i ran... the other clubs would not allow him because of his age... first weekend we showed up at the big tracks with his kart track bike and he melted that down in 4 laps of racing... i had a special rear sprocket custom made to gear it as high as we could with the tranny in it... by lap 3 i could hear the valves making ail sorts of racket and was just praying to odin the bike would hold together for one more lap... by the next weekend we had him a better set up and different bike geared to take much higher speeds... won the race... set the track record by over 3 seconds... but... along the way happened to take out another kid as he was passing him on the banking in front of god and everybody... total racing incident, but, whatever... a 10 year old kid rag dolling down the front straight of texas world speedway at about 60+ is quite the site and gets some pretty excited... i told the race director don't worry about us... you do what you got to do to make that other crew less bitchy... everyone knows what really happened... still the only 8 year old to ever get DQ'd from a race win in the JR Motard class in the second biggest club racing org in the country... we laugh about it now, but, i had to talk him off the ledge when it happened...
  17. GOAT talk is always more nerd talk than anything... too many qualifiers and circumstances to ever really have a definitive answer... sad is in the discussion and that is undeniable... unfortunately, politics is going to prevent any sort of numbers being able to be used to justify an argument for him at the end...
  18. i fell down my stairs two months ago... i had to lay flat on my back in bed for two days... the struggle is real...
  19. not anymore... my middle son would rather be racing than wrestling, but, we had to make a choice... this is him at 11... we do try and get out for the occasional play day... still have a bunch of bikes in the garage... project wolfsburg rabbit that some day will be a sexy psuedo track car with a plate...
  20. “Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty.” the Marc Marquez documentary dropped on the prime yesterday... this is my first true love and where i learned how to really live... this is the sport that i first found my people in... cemented how i look at the world... where i first spent real time with world champions... you don't have to get racing to get this doc is not about racing...
  21. how much is bill's fair share? just out of curiosity...
  22. this is an incredibly valuable TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!! metaphor...
  23. i am aware of this experiment mostly peripherally... but... i love what little i know about it... it all makes perfect sense to me...
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