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AgaveMaria last won the day on June 24 2023

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  1. Only thing "Insane" is believing they will be wiping the mat with Penn State, not to mention Iowa.
  2. Cael is a Mormon. He would not go into a Bar if active as he would be "avoiding the very appearance of Evil". It goes Double for Coffee. Mormons don't/can't drink it and stay in good standing. Many won't even have "Coffee Tables" in their homes.
  3. Some may remember when Midlands was the premier open tournament. Was not surprising to find yourself lined up for a match against your Coaches.
  4. Maybe an exam to determine if they know the difference in Lose and Loose? Or maybe Dominant and Dominate?
  5. Wrestling, football, military. Expectations and reality are not the same. Why not let all of those who try it decide for themselves if it is worth it? For many the answer is yes.
  6. Doesnt't help that when Bono walks into the room parents think they are looking at Danny DeVito when they were expecting Arnie...
  7. Like the Freestyle wrestling referees and judges?
  8. If you were any dumber Donald Trump would be listening to you.
  9. No. The US population and leadership don't have the desire to stick with anything long term. They talk and wave flags and then quickly move on to some other cause of the moment. We lost our way when leadership failed to make Dan Gable the head of US efforts in International Wrestling.
  10. Keep riding time but call fairly stalling when the top guy is not actively working for a pin and the bottom guy is content tl lay there without trying for an escape or reversal. When that happens, award a point to the wrestler not called for stalling(after one or two warnings?) and put them on their feet. Push out for a point - as well as one for fleeing the mat. Will help if mats have the colored section next to the edge as the Olympic/freestyle mats have. On competition. A lot more international meets. Practice is fine but you hone the edge with competition. Send our wrestlers to a lot of international meets. USA Wrestling lobby hard to make tournaments Double Elimination. The "one and done" makes it difficult for some to justify the cost of traveling. Knowing theyk will have a minimum of two matches and actual placing past the guessing for ranking can only help. I much prefer folkstyle wrestling, but it needs a few tweaks
  11. Keep riding time but call fairly stalling when the top guy is not actively working for a pin and the bottom guy is content tl lay there without trying for an escape or reversal. When that happens, award a point to the wrestler not called for stalling(after one or two warnings?) and put them on their feet. Push out for a point - as well as one for fleeing the mat. Will help if mats have the colored section next to the edge as the Olympic/freestyle mats have. On competition. A lot more international meets. Practice is fine but you hone the edge with competition. Send our wrestlers to a lot of international meets. USA Wrestling lobby hard to make tournaments Double Elimination. The "one and done" makes it difficult for some to justify the cost of traveling. Knowing theyk will have a minimum of two matches and actual placing past the guessing for ranking can only help. I much prefer folkstyle wrestling, but it needs a few tweaks.
  12. He did a very good job. I would still like John Smith with his insight & running commentary on technique - both tried and missed.
  13. The wrestling suffered from the cut down from ten weights. Three solid years of wrestling at a weight only to be forced to dump or get heavier for the Olympic Games is asinine. We saw health issues due to it for a number of competitors. Those in charge do not care about the athletes past "what can I get from showcasing them".
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