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AgaveMaria last won the day on June 24 2023

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Ferrari, or Monica Lewinski? How does Ferrari look in a blue dress?
  2. Any you think would not have added a 4th title, given the chance?
  3. Follow the Money. Long lasting impact on all the teams. Covid was a few years & done.
  4. Carter Young, OSU. A number of losses that could have gone his way. We'll see if Coach Taylor somehow gets him past the mental hurdle that has held him back in too many matches.
  5. One thing not mentioned is that these are still College students and have to stay academically eligible to wrestle. Even getting paid now they have to take a minimum number of classes & do well enough to stay eligible. Not always that easy with the amount of mat time required to stay on top of their game. As Dan Gable told his wrestlers: College for you has three components. Wrestling, school and social life. Pick TWO - because you can't do all three successfully at the same time.
  6. Reading the "who's the greatest" and "5 is better than 3 is better than 3" stuff I wondered how many of the 3 timers(when only 3 years was allowed) had perfect records? I have no doubt Yojo Uetake would have a 4th title with no losses. Am more familiar with him - but not the others. What other 3 timers had perfect records? All wins, not ties in there?
  7. There are three kinds of lies. Lies. Damn Lies. Statistics.
  8. On being older when in school. Not always holding a kid back. Military family here. Five different schools in two years at one time, in four different countries. US Military schools as well as normal, in country attendance in others. When I was a HS Junior in a US State I had already takan all but one class needed for Graduation but this was a State that did not do 'early graduation'. If we were at the last posted location I would have been done that year. Ended up finishing the Senior year with all electives - do I too Auto Mechanics & shop & typing along with what advanced classes in Chemistry the school offered. 1960's without the AP and pre-placement stuff available later to our kids. Now I would have been in college early. Not then. A different State - different rules and opportunities. Athletics? Having entered AAU tournaments & European tournaments - made me ineligible for HS wrestling, baseball and Cross Country in this State my final two years. Pretty unfair then and since I never went back after leaving I don't know what they do now. Some kids are early, some later for whatever reasons. Nobody seems to care if it is Physics, Chemistry, Music, Art or Theatre but go apeshiz with Athletics.
  9. On Kyle Snyder. " becomes the first College Wrestle to win an Olympic Gold and then come back and Wrestle in the NCAAs again". Yojo Uetake at Oklahoma State won Olympic Gold after his Sophomore NCAA season then came back to win Two more NCAA titles.
  10. Watching Tom Ryan talk about Sammy was interesting. Will he become an assistant/grad assistant at Ohio State? Ryan mentioned it but didn't say much. Will he move on to another program? Apparently College coaching is a goal. Will it happen?
  11. Many kids will want to go to the program & coach that will get them to the top. Penn State appears to be that program for now. Just as Iowa under Gary Kurdelmeier/Dan Gable. NIL all you want. No one team gets every top recruit. No coach wants every top recruit. Sounds nice but in practice some kids just don't fit a coach/program.
  12. Was a backhand comment on the Robles movie. No need for the fiction needed. What he did was more than impressive. Just like HOOSIERS - the assistant coach took over & the kids won it all. No Norman Dale. No drunk father assistant coach. Reality is all that is needed. Sasso included.
  13. So when Hollywood makes a movie of this he will have been a secret Human Smuggling kingpin specializing in Ukrainian girls while Ohio State had the program cut for a decade & Sasso used the profits to bring back the program?
  14. Yep, Tommy boy has a secret plan to get Ferrari on top at the Big 10 & NCAA tournament this year. Hard at work in the room teaching him new moves to get off bottom. Start with a Granby Roll & half way through do a Thomas Flair(gymnastics move) to use the legs & knock the oppenent off of him. Then a Double back flip with a half twist so he lands on his feet already facing his opponent - who is now dizzy from trying to watch the two filps - more powerful than a Flying Squirrel move. Ferrari is quick study & will be ready for the tournament. In addition, he will be wrestling 197 as well so he can beat his brother - and you guys thought Iowa had no chance.
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