What are some that you think you will remember for a long time? Three that I have stuck in my head are:
Bart Chelsvig vs. Kevin Randlemann Big 10 Finals 1992 I believe. It was a good old fashion brawl. Even Russ and Gable nearly went to blows.
The same year Tom Brands vs. Joey Gilbert. The final score was 23-15 or something close to it. You are missing out if you have never seen Gilbert shoot a single from the other side of the mat.
The Durso Run at nationals was a hell of a fun ride! (Lesser known, but fun none the less)
Mine was that I would always to lay flat on back before a match or tournament and count the lights. I figure if you got it out of your system before the matches started, you were good.
It all also depends on what you are discussing. If you are talking about how grueling a DI day to day life is and have not done it, you can only assume and observe. That does not make that person's point invalid, and it is not from the same perspective as the person who did it. Then some did and are great observers. Here is a list of people with that I deeply respect their opinions (when it is not joking around). (People who I know/knew).
1. Ray
2. JB
3. Smalls
4. Late (Les Anderson)
5. J
6. Gable
7. Johnny Johnson
8. Bryce
9. Fuhr
10. M. Morgan
Love me some Bubba J, just ain't the same if he doesn't have a disappearing fifth in the frame though...
I still believe the best podcast on the Planet would be JB and Smalls as the host with Fleeger and Bubba J as the side kicks and call it Bubba J Unfiltered. I would listen to it every morning.
Screen name is a mispelled ode to Boondock Saints and their awesomeness. I have recently upgraded my image to Rip from yellowstone, a no BS get the job done at all cost type.
So back (right before we brought The Mat Forum down the first time) one Jimmy the Gent somehow figured out when ever he posted the word "Magistrate" the thread would lock!
How, I have no idea, but he was not afraid to use it.
Play nice fellas, JB got it in, he did it fair and sqaure and he did it with the best last word possible (if you know, you know).
Congrats to JB, I tip my hat to ya.