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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I also agree. It makes me mad.
  2. To be fair, I did ask them on Twitter in about as constructive a manner as humanly possible.
  3. I believe the consensus has gone past ducking and straight to the lack of testes.
  4. This sucks so bad.
  5. If I wasn't worried about other schools not getting their chunk I would submit for reimbursement. This is trash.
  6. No balls. Absolutely no balls from Cornell here. Embarassing for Journeymen. They sold us Iowa State-Cornell and the Cornell coaches bitch out.
  7. Cornell has ducked 3 of the first 5 matches. ***ducking** pathetic.
  8. Has another match still.
  9. Mirasola was 195 a few months ago is why.
  10. Supposed to be called stalling, in some form now.
  11. Sta(l)rocci with the ankle ride. Interesting that instead of hooking the ankle, the Penn State gents simply just go higher on the leg now (it seems?)? Quick evolution. Still the most dominant man in NCAA D1 Wrestling.
  12. Does this make Mirasola the #1 HWT?
  13. Suriano could beg the right guy/gal the right guy/gal way and go to Pan Ams. He would likely be the favorite there.
  14. Well the background is probably key to understanding his random-ass joke. I did some exstensive (~35 seconds) Twatter stalking. His post just prior to that was a post if him, rather jacked, at 221lbs or some shit. I think he was saying 86 KG (~189lbs) is a long ways off.
  15. It was in Fort Worth, so it was close.
  16. Pretty sure someone has at some point.
  17. Anyone else think it a bit poetic that Gas Tank Gary just placed 3rd at Senior Nationals to qualify for OTT? The guy is the Absolute People's Champion.
  18. Zain at 74 KG is not an impossible thing, though. It is a likely thing in which he has a huge advantage via sitting out until the semi-finals.
  19. That just is not true. Drake Ayala is 5'5" tall and wrestles 125lbs. 125lbs to 86 KG is ~65lbs. Ayala also has zero Senior Worlds Gold medals. Zain Retherford was the largest looking 70 KG guy in the bracket last year. He is 5'6" tall and wrestles 70 KG. 70 KG to 74 KG is ~9lbs. Zain has a Senior Worlds Gold as well as a Silver. You are comparing motor oil and Grape Juice, mate.
  20. I agree. Also add in that he relies on a huge grip strength/power advantage and he just didn't phase Alirez with it. It was impressive.
  21. Bartlett with that clutch late Takedown. Badass.
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